History states the start of the Afghanistan invasion, began on October 8, 2001 as the U.S. moved forward with their plan to retaliate for the September 11 th attacks. Afghanistan was looked at as a strategic location for U.S. troops. They went to begin the search for members of a terrorist group called “The Taliban” and bring them to justice for the acts of terror unleashed on U.S. soil less than one month before their arrival. 2McNamara, Kevin
Afghanistan has long been looked at as a prime geographical location militarily speaking because of its access points to so many countries of interest for the United States. The country’s landscape and endless desert terrain has always been a major draw back, but the benefits of Afghanistan’s location always outweighs the difficult environment. It has been a location the United States has found useful to them since conflicts with the Soviet Union began over 30 years ago. 3McNamara, Kevin
Operation Enduring Freedom was “Officially” fought through March However we have had a military presence there to the present day. The purpose of Operation Enduring Freedom was to search out or flush out the Taliban so that the senseless acts of terror and/or plots to attack and kill innocent people would be extinguished. 4McNamara, Kevin
It appears that the population of Afghanistan has not improved their condition as much as many had hoped. U.S. presence in Afghanistan was to not only find those Taliban/Al Qaeda who were a threat, but to help stabilize and prepare the Afghanistan government to protect and defend their country and their people. The research suggests that 10’s of thousands of Afghanistan people have been killed or injured during the turmoil of constant conflict. The U.S. presence has been meant with mixed emotion both from the U.S. citizens and the Afghanistan people. 5McNamara, Kevin
The statistics from the loss and financial hardship the Afghan people had suffered varies from site to site and article to article. The effects the invasion had on the Afghanistan population do not seem to be an extreme positive effect. The information can come from, a Boston newspaper Columnist, a U.S. government official, middle eastern reporter or a first- hand account by a soldier, the Afghanistan people continue to suffer severe poverty and loss of life and quality of life due to the conditions of their country. Afghanistan has always been “there for the taking” for those who needed that position and 6McNamara, Kevin
Unfortunately it does not appear that things have drastically improved for the people of Afghanistan in the big picture. There have been many things that have socially changed due to the U.S. presence in Afghanistan. One very important change is the treatment of women and their rights. The awareness that has spread throughout the world regarding fair, just and respectful treatment has made a huge difference for the women of Afghanistan. This was not necessarily a goal of the U.S being in Afghanistan, but their presence did open up many issues to the world and has made a positive impact on certain aspects of their society. 7McNamara, Kevin
The current conditions in Afghanistan are changing daily. We do still have a military presence there, and are expected to remain until at least The U.S troops who still remain in Afghanistan are meant with mixed reactions from both the people of Afghanistan, the United States and all over the world. 8McNamara, Kevin
The U.S. troops have worked tirelessly to try and bring strength and stability to the people of Afghanistan. Although they have had a mission to stop all terrorism in and around Afghanistan and shut down those responsible. They have done what they could to teach the police and government officials in Afghanistan how to protect themselves and work on improving protection of their people for attacks and hostile actions. The U.S. has also tried to express the importance of helping their people attain such simple provisions as, clothing, proper shelter and medicine. 9McNamara, Kevin
Current Conditions due to the Invasion of Afghanistan: The most unfortunate outcome of any war including the invasion of Afghanistan by the U.S., is the loss of life and those left behind still fighting, supporting and striving for what’s right. The U.S. troops are going to continue their duties in Afghanistan until the job is complete. The end of our troops on Afghanistan soil is likely to occur in our lifetime, but it has been a part of U.S. and other country’s military planning for a very long time. 10McNamara, Kevin
11McNamara, Kevin image of map page 1 from : Map is from : -”The Criminalization of US Foreign Policy From the Truman Doctrine to the Neo-Conservatives” by Michel Chossudovsky.The Criminalization of US Foreign Policy From the Truman Doctrine to the Neo-Conservatives Copyright © World Socialist Web Site - All rights reserved March st Image from page 3 “Equestrian Jobs in the Army” By Siobhan Russell, eHow Contributor “Equestrian Jobs in the Army” | eHow.com Jobs in the Army” | eHow.comhttp:// Filename: AFG JPHPS083.jpg Copyright (c) Jason P. Howe nd image on page 3 soldiers walking down hill… “Truth, lies and Afghanistan” “How military leaders have let us down” BY LT. COL. DANIEL L. DAVIS Page 5 Page photo from page 5 “AFGHANISTAN, A DECADE LATER” photo from page 6 Jennifer Glasse is Al Jazeera’s Afghanistan Correspondent Jennifer Glasse history.army.mil : archives image from page image only: