Susan Vocea SOPAC
Background Project Components Deliverables Challenges and Opportunities Progress to Date
The most common disasters impacting Pacific island developing countries are cyclones Fiji is highly susceptible to flooding with severe floods and cyclones the key natural disaster facing the country. SOPAC in collaboration with the World Bank, GEF – IWRM and the Government of Fiji is collaborating to develop Integrated Flood Management for the Pacific, using Nadi, Fiji as a case study.
Institutional Strengthening of Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems Flood Risk Assessment Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Flood Management
High resolution digital elevation model for Nadi Flood risk assessment ◦ 2D flood inundation model ◦ Flood hazard maps for greater Nadi area ◦ Flood mitigation (cost benefit analysis) Standard operating procedure for flood monitoring and warning Report summarising flood risk for Nadi National IFM policy document These deliverables will also inform other activities in Nadi
Delay in flight of LiDAR survey due to floods in February and April
Need for verification Volume of data Large datasets Nadi is high on the Fiji Government and donors’ agendas. Understanding and working within the donor procurement processes
LiDAR Survey completed and data being verified
Nadi Airport Denarau
Flood Modelling; Consultants shortlisted and RFP to be sent out shortly Stakeholder Consultations