WASH and Protection Going beyond Guidelines
Progress made on the Gender Markers target & Achievements of the cluster Increased interest of several national clusters WASH activities package for the Sahel feed into an integrated humanitarian response to respond to distinct needs Engagement of WASH organizations Reinforced capacity of RRTs Minimum commitments adopted in different contexts
Situation Gender GBV Age Disability HIV/AIDS Child Protection HLP Mine Action WASH Cluster Coordinator Partners More Guidelines WASH Cluster Partners adhere to protection principles ?
One guideline or/and one monitoring framework Gender GBV Age Disability HIV/AIDS Child Protection HLP Mine Action WASH Cluster Coordinator Partners One Guideline Key issues / WASH
Minimum commitments on people’s centered approach Monitor and evaluate safe and equal access to WASH services in WASH projects using sex and age disaggregated data and information on persons with disabilities Consult separately girls, boys, women, and men, including those with disabilities, to ensure that WASH programs are designed to ensure meaningful access and to mitigate incidences of violence. Consult girls and women in priority Ensure that girls, boys, women, and men, including those with disabilities have access to appropriate WASH services that minimise risks of physical and sexual violence Ensure that feedback/ complaint mechanisms and corrective actions in the WASH sector are based on the separate consultation of girls, boys, women, and men, including those with disabilities, so as to meet their specific protection and assistance needs 4 commitments ASSESSMENT & DESIGNIMPLEMENTATION MONITORING & EVALUATION
Collection and analysis of disaggregated data on beneficiaries and information on persons with disability contributes to improving safe and equal access to WASH services for vulnerable population. The cluster organisations take timely corrective actions to address the safety, dignity and access issues raised by users and/or to redefine their assistance so as to meet the needs of the specific vulnerable groups of beneficiaries WASH facilities designed to respond to distinct dignity and safety and access needs (i.e. dedicated access, locks on the inside, separate blocks for showers and latrines, pictograms, specific design for people with disability…). Determining through consultations where WASH facilities will be located in order to ensure meaningful access and minimize risks of violence Minimum commitments on people’s centered approach Monitor and evaluate safe and equal access to WASH services in WASH projects using sex and age disaggregated data and information on persons with disabilities Consult separately girls, boys, women, and men, including those with disabilities, to ensure that WASH programs are designed to ensure meaningful access and to mitigate incidences of violence. Consult girls and women in priority Ensure that girls, boys, women, and men, including those with disabilities have access to appropriate WASH services that minimise risks of physical and sexual violence Ensure that feedback/ complaint mechanisms and corrective actions in the WASH sector are based on the separate consultation of girls, boys, women, and men, including those with disabilities, so as to meet their specific protection and assistance needs 4 commitments ASSESSMENT & DESIGNIMPLEMENTATION MONITORING & EVALUATION