iNNOV Technologies Profile
Founded in January 2010 at Chennai, iNNov has developed a successful and fine-tuned synergy between innovative technical solutions and solid theatrical strategy, resulting in new dimensions in IT and e-publishing services. We are developing with advanced technologies, technical and automation skills as our fundamental investment and deliver quality products on time at the most competitive global rates in the industry.
InnovationAutomation Dedication Determination
Quality Drive Timely Delivery Prompt Queries Immediate Response Educated Resources Experienced Core Team
1000 sq. ft. office space 6 Mac OS and 20 Windows OS Systems Power Backup System Automatic Data Backup Management Information System (MIS)
Buhari Masthan [CEO] Narasimhan Manager – Business Development Vinoth Kumar Manager – Operations Typesetting Team A. K. Naser Manager – Software Development Software Team
iNNOV is a perfect ERP software service provider, creating software based on client’s requirement and usage. Our solutions are error free, secured and user-friendly as we have a well experienced team who can synchronize their skills along with latest technologies. Programming Language: DotNet (C#, ASP, VB), Java/J2EE and VB Database: MS Access (encrypted), SQL Server We also provide solutions to connect smart devices like barcode, biometrics, pocket PC, etc. with our ERP products to utilize the current advanced technologies smartly. Typesetting Plug-in Development Artwork Go To End Slide
Our product plays major role in catering to the client’s business activities. We provide our solutions in the following sectors: Typesetting Plug-in Development Artwork Go To End Slide SECTORSOFTWARE ACTIVITIES MANUFACTURING Purchase, Production, Sales, Stocks, Accounts and Forecasting SERVICE PROVIDER Enquiry, Job Card, Job Tracking and Accounts TRADERS Purchase, Quotation, Sales, Clients, Stocks and Accounts FINANCE Chit, Duration Loan, Standard Loan, Personal Loan and Pawn ADMIN & HR Attendance, Payroll, Recruitment and Admin HOSPITALITY Appointment, Token System, Prescription, Patient History, Schedule, Pharmacy and Accounts
Software Development Plug-in Development Artwork Go To End Slide iNNOV can vouch for its expertise in the execution of the following: STM Books & Journals School Books Higher Education Books Law Books Custom Books Magazines Catalogues
Software Development Plug-in Development Artwork Go To End Slide Our Typesetting Applications: InDesign (ver CS2 to CS6) – MAC & Windows OS QuarkXpress (ver 6.1 to 9.1) Our Workflow: XML -First Workflow XML-Last Workflow Non-XML Workflow
Software Development Plug-in Development Artwork Go To End Slide Our Clients Palgrave Macmillan Hachette India Calicut University Press Pearson - US (as Third Party Vendor) Pearson Custom - US (as Third Party Vendor) Oxford University Press (OUP) - UK (as Third Party Vendor) John Wiley - Singapore (as Third Party Vendor)
Software Development TypesettingArtwork Go To End Slide Apart from proven expertise in typesetting and IT services, iNNOV intends to expand its wings to broader spectrum like … InDesign Process Automation Tools with JavaScript Data Conversion (XML/ePub) Tools with VBA & Perl XML Conversion Tool with XSLT
Software Development TypesettingArtwork Go To End Slide Our reputed Tools in InDesign by using JavaScript are: Auto-Pagination tool for XML workflow in InDesign Auto-Pagination tool for non-XML workflow InDesign to XML Conversion InDesign to Styled Word File Conversion InDesign Pre-Sample Creation Process
Software Development Typesetting Plug-in Development Go To End Slide iNNOV is also capable to deliver the goods in: Image Processing/Retouching Artwork Relabeling Artwork Redrawing Logo Designing Brochure Creation Our Applications: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and CorelDRAW
# 11/61, 2nd Floor, Aysha Towers, Vandikaran street, Guindy, Chennai , Tamil Nadu, India –
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