The ABC’s of a Successful Science Fair Project for Middle Schools
Why should I do a science project? You can win cash prizes! 2014 Fauquier County Regional Science & Engineering Fair Prizes High School PrizesMiddle School Prizes $1,500-1 st place$600-1 st place $750-2 nd place$400-2 nd place $500-3 rd place$300-3 rd place $250-Honorable Mention$100-Honorable Mention National winners receive over $25,000. You get great exposure! National winners visit the White House. It looks great on college applications !
Senior Level - (High School) 2014 Fauquier County Regional Science & Engineering Fair 1 st place- “Efficacy of MSG as a Positive Reinforcement in D. melanogaster Learning” 2 nd place- “The Effect of B Vitamins on Bread Leavening in Baking” 3 rd place- “Effect of Different Lights on Supplemental Auxin in Corn Plants” 4 th place- “The Effect of Variance in Bullet Properties on Fragmentation in a Resistant Medium”
Junior Level (Middle School) 2014 Fauquier County Regional Science & Engineering Fair 1 st place-“Comparing the efficiency of brushed and brushless motors” 2 nd place- “Finding the Best Materials for Condensers” 3 rd place- “Finding the Perfect Dome” 4 th place- “Alum Crystals and Temperature”
Some projects may be considered “restricted”… WARNING! If your project will involve certain materials or vertebrates or humans, you must receive approval for the project BEFORE you begin experimentation. There are specific forms to be submitted to the Scientific Review Committee by Nov. 21st. See your science fair coordinator for more details.
Steps to a winning science project EXPLORE 1. Come up with 3 topics you might want to explore. 2. Use the internet to see if the ideas are feasible as a project. 3. Pick your top choice. RESEARCH 4. Start a 3 ring project binder and a project log book. 5. Research your topic. Become an expert. Record your references. PLAN 6. Design your experiment (hypothesis, materials and procedure.)
Steps to a winning science project… EXPERIMENT 7. Conduct your experiment(s). Record your data. ANALYZE 8. Write up your results. Draw a conclusion. Write your abstract. DISPLAY 9. Design and construct your display backdrop. 10. Develop a presentation about your project.
Suggested Science Project Deadlines DateProject work completed 10//12Research topics and pick your top choice. 11/12Conduct research on your topic. 11/21Submit research plan to Regional SRC if it is a restricted project. 12/19Design your experiment (hypothesis, materials and procedure.) 01/30Conduct your experiment. 02/06Write your analysis and abstract. 02/13Construct project display and “judge’s talk.” 02/20Attend school science fair - (Dates vary: Jan – Feb. 2015) 02/28Deadline to register for 2015 Fauquier Co. Regional Fair 03/14Fauquier County Regional Science and Engineering Fair
How do I get started? Look at basic plan of what to do. Put deadlines in your calendar. Start with the end date (your school’s science fair date) and “work backwards.” Start Brainstorming! Consult with your science teacher/mentor often. Have fun!!