Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 Project Activities
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 The students in each participant school will 1 st year search and identify favorable and problematic conditions as regards to the quality of water and air in their countries, create thematic maps and communicate their work and exchange ideas with their partners find information and data published on national sites related to the quality of air and water in different locations in their country and communicate their results to their partners.
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 organize with the help of their teacher and participate to a school Science Fair at the end of the first school year, presenting the project and the first results of their work representative students will participate in one European meeting at the end of the first school year presenting their work and exchanging ideas with their partners publish their work on the project web-page (countries’ situation, thematic maps, lab and investigation work, proposals and suggestions)
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October nd year discuss on the different ways of measuring the quality of air and water (lab experiments, chemical analysis, biomonitorisation). Each school will decide and use one of them to perform quality analysis of air or water, collect and process data, and communicate their results to their partners. communicate and exchange ideas with experts on environmental issues and specifically on water and air quality write letters to the local authorities or government, publish their work or letters on local media suggesting solutions
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 search and identify reasons for the situation in their countries as well as the way their local and national agencies deal with these issues, communicate their results and exchange ideas with their partners organize with the help of their teachers and participate to a local Science Fair at the end of the second school year presenting their work, final results and proposals to their local community help their teachers to organize a common European Science Fair at the end of the second school year presenting their work and suggestions. Representative students will participate in the European Fair.
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 Through the project, teachers in all participant countries will engage their students (each one in his/her school) and develop in collaboration with their colleagues in participant countries a common interdisciplinary school project related to the quality of water and air. They will finalize and organize the school project in a common meeting in one of the participant countries at the start of the school year. will organize a meeting at the end of school year in their school to disseminate their work within the project as well as the method they used to organize and sustain European cooperation with partner schools.
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 will help their students to organize a school fair at the end of the first school year presenting their work, will help their students to organize a local fair at the end of the second school year to present their work, final results and suggestions to the local community will organize with their colleagues and representative students from participant countries a common European Science Fair
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 End Products Through the project participants will develop a common project web-page as a means to communicate between them (forum) but also as a medium to present their work and suggestions a CD-ROM including the project (description and aims, meetings), and a document related to the process of the project development and methods for encouraging and sustaining European collaboration a CD-ROM including students’ work (countries’ situation, research work and results, proposals, pictures), presentation and information from science fairs.
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 Dissemination of results a common project web-page as a mean to communicate between them (forum) but also as a medium to present their work and suggestions a CD-ROM including the project (description and aims, meetings), students’ work (countries’ situation, research work and results, proposals, pictures), presentation and information from science fairs, and a document related to the process of the project development and methods for encouraging and sustaining European collaboration a school Science Fair presenting students’ work and first results at the end of the first school year a local Science Fair presenting the students’ work and proposals at the end of the second school year a common European Science Fair presenting the students’ work and proposals at the end of the second school year
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT Students’ benefits students’ environmental awareness students’ understanding of scientific concepts European and multicultural consciousness ICT exploitation by the educational community Communication: methods for encouraging and sustaining European collaboration integration of an interdisciplinary project into the school programme.
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 BEGINNING OF THE YEAR General Information about the school and the project School profile Participants The school project Organisation of the implementation of the project The planned students activities Teacher Questionnaire I Demographic data Experience in english Experience with ICT Experience on collaboration Involvement Expectations Student questionnaire I Demographic data Experience in english Experience with ICT Experience on collaboration Involvement Expectations
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 DURING THE PROJECT Teacher Diary (every 1st and 15th month) implementation of the project activities products good times problems
Science & Technology Department University of Peloponnese Socrates Comenius 1 School partnerships Selection 2005 Bari October 2005 END OF THE YEAR Teacher Questionnaire II Pedagogical approaches Organisation of the project within the school schedule ICT and Communication Student questionnaire II Students’ benefit ICT and Communication