1)A Complication that develops following an acute infection with Streptococcal bacteria or viruses
2)Kidney stone formation in urinary system
3)Genetic disease characterized by cysts causing kidney failure
4)Inflammation and infection of the renal pelvis of the kidneys
5) Inflammation of the bladder
6) Hernia in which the bladder bulges through weakness in muscular wall
7) Urinary retention due to lack of innervation of nerves of bladder
8) Formation of abnormal passageway connecting the bladder to vagina
9) Congenital condition in which the urethra meatus is in an abnormal location
10) Involuntary release of urine
11) A decrease in the amt of potassium in the blood usually do to diuretic drugs
12) Procedure to uses xrays and contrast dye in the blood, kidneys, outlining renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra showing obstruction, blockage, kidney stone or abnormal anatomy
13)Xray of kidneys, ureters, bladder without contrast dye to find kidney stones
14) Procedure using CAT scan and contrast dye, images are multiple slices through kidney
15) Procedure uses xrays and contrast dye that flows through the renal artery and outlines renal artery showing any blockage
16) Procedure that evaluates the function of the nerves to the bladder using a catheter
17) Procedure in which a flexible tube is inserted into the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine
18)Procedure to remove waste products from blood of patient in renal failure
19) Procedure that uses sound waves to break up a kidney stone
20) Procedure in which a cystoscope is inserted into bladder, a stone basket snares a kidney stone and removes it
21) Procedure in which a small incision is made in the skin and an endoscope is inserted into kidney to remove kidney stone
22)Procedure to remove a tumor from inside a bladder
23)Procedure to correct a kidney that is an abnormally low position by suturing it.
1)A Complication that develops following an acute infection with Streptococcal bacteria or viruses Glomerulonephritis
2)Kidney stone formation in urinary system Nephrolithiasis
3)Genetic disease characterized by cysts causing kidney failure Polycystic Kidney Disease
4)Inflammation and infection of the renal pelvis of the kidneys Pyelonephritis
5) Inflammation of the bladder Cystitis
6) Hernia in which the bladder bulges through weakness in muscular wall Cystocele
7) Urinary retention due to lack of innervation of nerves of bladder Neurogenic Bladder
8) Formation of abnormal passageway connecting the bladder to vagina Vesicovaginal Fistula
9) Congenital condition in which the urethra meatus is in an abnormal location epispadias
10) Involuntary release of urine Enuresis
11) A decrease in the amt of potassium in the blood usually do to diuretic drugs Hypokalemia
Intravenous pyelography 12) Procedure to uses xrays and contrast dye in the blood, kidneys, outlining renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra showing obstruction, blockage, kidney stone or abnormal anatomy Intravenous pyelography
13)Xray of kidneys, ureters, bladder without contrast dye to find kidney stones KUB
14) Procedure using CAT scan and contrast dye, images are multiple slices through kidney nephrotomography
15) Procedure uses xrays and contrast dye that flows through the renal artery and outlines renal artery showing any blockage Renal angiogram
16) Procedure that evaluates the function of the nerves to the bladder using a catheter cystometry
17) Procedure in which a flexible tube is inserted into the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine catheterization
18)Procedure to remove waste products from blood of patient in renal failure dialysis
19) Procedure that uses sound waves to break up a kidney stone lithotripsy
20) Procedure in which a cystoscope is inserted into bladder, a stone basket snares a kidney stone and removes it Stone basketing
21) Procedure in which a small incision is made in the skin and an endoscope is inserted into kidney to remove kidney stone nephrolithotomy
22)Procedure to remove a tumor from inside a bladder Transurethral resection of the bladder tumor
23)Procedure to correct a kidney that is an abnormally low position by suturing it. Urethroplasty