Health Sciences 1101 Medical Terminology Module 7 The Urinary System
Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System Principle Functions: Remove waste products from the blood and excrete them in the urine Regulate the body’s tissue fluid Maintain a balance of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium) Maintain an acid-base balance in the blood
Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System
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General Urinary System Terms Nephr/o or Ren/o: Pertaining to the kidney Ur/o or urin/o: Pertaining to urine or the urinary tract Urology: Study of the urinary system Urologist: Expert in the study of the urinary system as well as some reproductive issues Nephrology: Study of the kidneys Nephrologist: Expert in the study of the kidneys and kidney disease.
Urinary System Anatomy Terms Cyst/o or vesic/o: Bladder Glomerul/o: Glomerulus Pyel/o: Renal Pelvis Ureter/o: Ureter Urethr/o: Urethra Aden/o: gland
Other Important Urinary System Terms Meat/o: opening or tunnel through a body part -uria: In the urine or pertaining to the urine -ptsosis: prolapse, or downward placement of -pexy: To fix in place, fixation Lith or calculus: stone Diurese: Increase the rate of urination Supra: Above
Other Important Urinary System Terms Olig/o: Decreased or diminished Poly: Increased or multiple Micturition: Urination, or voiding urine Malignant: cancerous Benign: Non-cancerous Inflammation: pathologic response that includes, pain, heat, swelling and redness. Retro-: to go back, backward
Urinary System Pathology Infections and inflammation of the various parts of the urinary tract. (remember the terms –itis, -cele, - pathy, -oma, algia, etc.) Upper urinary tract: Kidneys and ureters Lower urinary tract: Bladder and urethra Incontinence: Uncontrolled loss of urine from the bladder Enuresis: Sometimes called bedwetting. Inability to control urination after the age where such control is usually gained. Nocturia: Excessive voiding or urine at night
Urinary System Pathology Hypospadias: An abnormal opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis. Typically congenital. Azoturia: An abnormal increase in nitrogenous compounds in the urine. Uremia: Elevated level of urea or other protein waste products in the blood. Wilms tumor: Rapidly developing tumor most often seen in children.
Urinary System Pathology Interstitial nephritis: inflammation and/or damage to the tubules due to a toxic agent or lack of blood flow Glomerulonephritis: Disruption of normal glomerular filtration. Often a hypersensitive reaction. Renal failure: The kidneys can no longer adequately filter the blood. Acute renal failure: Can result from lack of blood flow to the kidneys Renal hypertension: High blood pressure that results from kidney disease
Diagnosis and Treatment Urinalysis (UA): Physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine. Blood Urea Nitrogen: Laboratory test that measures the amount of urea excreted by the kidneys into the blood Kidney-ureter-bladder (KUB): Radiographic technique used to determine the location, size, shape and any malformation of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder Intravenous pyelogram: Radiographic procedure in which a contrast medium is injected intravenously and serial x-ray films are taken to provide visualization of the entire urinary tract.
Diagnosis and Treatment Renal scan: Technique that determines renal function and shape through measurement of a radioactive substance that is injected intravenously and concentrates in the kidney. Voiding cystourography: Radiography of the bladder and urethra during the process of voiding urine after the introduction of a contrast medium. Retrograde pyelography: Radiographic procedure in which a contrast medium is introduced through a cystoscope directly into the bladder and ureters, using small-caliber catheters.
Diagnosis and Treatment Catheterization: Insertion of a hollow flexible tube into a body cavity or organ to instill a substance or remove fluid. Dialysis: The patient’s blood is cleansed by circulation through a dialysis machine which acts as an artificial kidney Renal transplant: Surgical transfer of a complete kidney from a donor to a recipient.