Of Mice and Men Revision
Question Types There are a few ‘banker’ questions for Of Mice and Men: Isolation/loneliness Dreams/ambitions Conflict
Example Questions for Isolation/Loneliness Choose a novel or a short story which gives you an insight into an aspect of human nature or behaviour. State what the aspect is, and show how the characters’ actions and relationships lead you to a deeper understanding of human nature or behaviour. Choose a novel or a short story with a message which is still relevant today. Show how the author’s portrayal of events and character(s) highlight the author’s message.
Example Questions For Dreams/Ambitions Choose a novel or a short story with an important human message. Show how elements of the plot or characters highlight the author’s message. Choose a novel or a short story or a non-fiction text or group of texts which deals with an important human issue. Show how the author reveals the issue through the portrayal of people and events throughout the text, and show how your understanding of the issue has deepened.
Conflict Choose a novel or a short story in which there is conflict between two characters. Examine the nature of the conflict and explain to what extent it is resolved. Choose a novel or a short story in which a character is in conflict with his or her friends or relatives or society. Show how the conflict arises and what effect it has on the character’s fate in the novel or short story as a whole.
Possible Other Question Types Writing which has made a strong impact on you (very general) Key incident/turning point Setting Ending – satisfactory or not
Key Quotes – Loneliness/Isolation Find quotes which work for loneliness for: Candy Crooks Curley’s Wife George (at end of novel)
Key Quotes – Dreams/ambitions Find quotes for dreams and ambitions for: George/Lennie Candy Curley’s wife Crooks
Key Quotes - Conflict Find quotes for conflict between George and Lennie – for the cause, effect and resolution of the conflict Lennie/George and Curley Other people and Curley
Essay Planning For the following essay questions construct a brief plan about what each of your main paragraphs will contain, along with what quotes you would use in those paragraphs. Then, write an example introduction featuring: Author’s name and name of text, brief explanation of the text, reference to question (key words), what your essay will contain.
Essay Planning For the following essay questions construct a brief plan about what each of your main paragraphs will contain, along with what quotes you would use in those paragraphs. Then, write an example introduction featuring: Author’s name and name of text, brief explanation of the text, reference to question (key words), what your essay will contain. Choose a novel or a short story with a message which is still relevant today. Show how the author’s portrayal of events and character(s) highlight the author’s message. (Isolation/loneliness)
Essay Planning For the following essay questions construct a brief plan about what each of your main paragraphs will contain, along with what quotes you would use in those paragraphs. Then, write an example introduction featuring: Author’s name and name of text, brief explanation of the text, reference to question (key words), what your essay will contain. Choose a novel or a short story with an important human message. Show how elements of the plot or characters highlight the author’s message. (Dreams/ambitions)
Essay Planning For the following essay questions construct a brief plan about what each of your main paragraphs will contain, along with what quotes you would use in those paragraphs. Then, write an example introduction featuring: Author’s name and name of text, brief explanation of the text, reference to question (key words), what your essay will contain. Choose a novel or a short story in which there is conflict between two characters. Examine the nature of the conflict and explain to what extent it is resolved.