Review the structure and contents of the ELA HSCE Learn how to create ELA HSCE units Become familiar with the unit planning documents Session Goals.


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Presentation transcript:

Review the structure and contents of the ELA HSCE Learn how to create ELA HSCE units Become familiar with the unit planning documents Session Goals

High School Content Expectations Grade 9 and 10 Course Credit Requirements Unit Design – Flip Chart Important Materials

Writing, Speaking, and Representing Writing Process (8) Personal Growth (4) Audience and Purpose (9) Inquiry and Research (7) Finished Products (5) Reading, Listening, and Viewing Strategy Development (12) Meaning Beyond the Literal Level (3) Independent Reading (8) Literature and Culture Close Literary Reading (10) Reading and Response (5) (varied genre and time periods) Text Analysis (6) Mass Media (4) Language Effective English Language Use (5) Language Variety (5) Organized by strand and standard ELA Expectations

A Closer Look Think of a lesson you teach in your English class Look through the ELA expectations to find the expectation that supports that lesson Turn to a partner and share your findings

Literature Literary Analysis: literary elements and devices Writing: response to literature, composition All the ELA high school expectations are recursive and increase in complexity and difficulty by text and tasks These support your current practice…

Informational Text Writing, Speaking, and Expressing for Multiple Purposes Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, and Critical Reading Listening and viewing Media The Power of Language New Emphasis…

Habits of Mind… Grade 9: Inter-Relationships and Self-Reliance Grade 10: Critical Response and Stance Grade 11: Transformational Thinking Grade 12: Leadership Qualities A lens to focus student thinking toward social action and empowerment. Four Dispositions

Essential Questions Who am I? How do I relate to my family, my community, and society? How am I a reflection of my relationships? What can I contribute as an individual? What is my responsibility to society? Thinking Connect to self and world Compare and contrast Reflect Grade 9: Inter-Relationships and Self-Reliance

Essential Questions What criteria do I use to judge my values? How will I stand up for what I value? What can I do to realize my dreams or visions for the future? What role does empathy play in how I treat others? What voice do I use to be heard? Thinking Analyze from multiple perspectives Respond critically Grade 10: Critical Response and Stance

Essential Questions How do I develop a realistic plan for the future? How do I build a context for change in my life? How can I generate new ideas for solving problems? Which decisions I make today will affect me for my entire life? Where will I find wisdom? Thinking Look for the unique or unusual Seek wisdom Tolerate change or chaos Grade 11: Transformational Thinking

Essential Questions How do I know if I am developing the academic skills that I will need in my future life? What rules or principles do I use for how I treat others? What responsibility do I have to society? What leadership qualities will I need to take with me from high school? How can I create the world I want to live in? Thinking Move toward innovative/generative thinking Create new knowledge Envision a new view of the world Develop new ways to solve problems Know when to take a risk Grade 12: Leadership Qualities

Reflection How will teaching to these dispositions influence the academic and social development of high school students? Think/Pair/Share

What’s Inside the Michigan Merit Curriculum Requirements for English Language Arts? Welcome Curriculum Unit Design Relevance Student Assessment Introduction to English Language Arts ELA Grade-Level Goal Statement HSCE Codes and Organizational Structure Content Standards for ELA 9-12 Unit Framework (Description and Alignment with the Expectations) Model Units (four or five)

Begin with a text – those traditionally taught in high school English courses:  Romeo and Juliet  To Kill a Mockingbird  Hamlet  A Raisin in the Sun  Great Expectations  The Crucible  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  Of Mice and Men Create the Big-Picture Vision

Big Ideas in Of Mice and Men  Dreams/Visions  Relationships  Survival  Journey Consider all “Big Ideas” the text could support

Of Mice and Men  Dreams / Vision Select a Big Idea

Of Mice and Men -- Dreams / Vision Linking Texts: 1.A Raisin in the Sun 2.“A Dream Deferred” 3.Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens Finding Linking Text(s)

Dreams / Visions Select your Disposition (page 4 of the ELA HSCE): 1. Inter-relationships and Self Reliance (9 th grade) How can I realize my own dreams? How can I use visions to shape my life? 2. Critical Response / Stance (10 th Grade) Under what conditions do dreams / visions work positively? What caused the dreams of Lennie, George, Beneatha, Walter, or others to fail? Determine Culminating Activity

3. Transformational Thinking (11 th Grade) What are the patterns for realized dreams/visions? Where are the patterns for dreams/visions failed or deferred? How is my thinking different now that I know the effects of creating a vision? 4. Leadership Qualities (12 th Grade) Based on what I have learned about visions or dreams, what can I do to better plan for successful outcomes for me, for my school, my district, my community, my state, my country, my world? Determine Culminating Activity

Identify a recorder at your table (the person who has been teaching the fewest years) Identify all of the core literature used in your district Recorder lists all core texts on designated paper Now it is your turn…

Brainstorm all the Big Ideas Select one Big Idea Identify Linking Text(s) Choose a Disposition Draft Essential Questions Consider Culminating Activities (Use your flipbook as a guide) Select One Core Text, Then

You Share… Recorder reads your table’s selected text big ideas linking text culminating activities

You practiced the first four steps in creating a Big-Picture Vision –Selected anchor text, genre, and focus –Identified big ideas –Chose linking texts –Developed culminating activities and essential questions So Far …

Experience a Model Unit The anchor text is The Crucible. Refresh your memory of The Crucible Examine and review the big ideas and themes that come from The Crucible See Model Unit 10.1 on page 16 of the Course Credit Requirements

Experience the Linking Texts Watch “Power of One” Read “The Dying Girl That No One Helped” by Loudon Wainwright Listen to “Outside of a Small Circle of Friends” by Phil Ochs Watch an excerpt from The Crucible Reflect on the Essential Questions (page 16)

Now, set the direction for the unit, “Begin with the End in Mind” Considering The Crucible, the linking texts (including media), and the dispositions for tenth grade, identify activities that demonstrate that students: Can apply the big ideas and themes generated in this unit have moved to social action and empowerment Think/Pair/Share Volunteers share with large group

Reminders... The Big-Picture Vision is determined by the −Anchor Text − Big Ideas − Dispositions − Themes − Essential Questions − Culminating Activities (Steps 1 to 5) This becomes “The End in Mind.”

Complete the Unit At your table, select one text or media selection Look over the text or media and consider its potential for teaching strategies and activities that meet the expectations (Look for new and fresh strategies and activities)

Complete Steps Use your flipbook to develop steps 6-9 of your tactical plan Step 6: Identify genre study and literary analysis components Step 7: Identify reading, listening, viewing strategies and activities Step 8: Identify writing, speaking, expressing strategies and activities. Step 9: Ongoing literacy development

Share Your Unit Plans Each group will share beginning with −“The Power of One” −“The Dying Girl That No One Helped” −“Outside a Small Circle of Friends” − The Crucible

ELA Implementation Toolkit Michigan Merit Curriculum Course/Credit Requirements High School Content Expectations English Language Arts Disposition Posters Summary of each of the four Strands Unit Design Flipbook Charts for Analyzing/Planning Units over the year Bookmarks –Characteristic of Complex Text (ACT) and rubric –Reading Skills Assessed on ACT –Recommendations from High Schools That Work and On Course for Success Rubrics for Writing –Michigan Merit English Language Arts and Social Studies –ACT rubric for writing Power Point Presentation Significant Web Links

Useful links to understanding and applying the new English Language Arts Content Expectations (Handout in Packet) Additional Information

More links… Reference Materials from 2006 English Language Arts Content Expectations Conference: nfMaterials/materials_languagearts.htm nfMaterials/materials_languagearts.htm

And More… Updates on MEAP and MME Assessment: _ ,00.html

Web English Teacher presents the best of K-12 English / Language Arts teaching resources: And for teaching ideas…

Michigan Learnport Support for netTrekker d.i. (go to Help, and under Information you will find the following guides): netTrekker d.i. Quick Reference Guide: netTrekker d.i. - Teacher Guide: And, free to Michigan educators…

The new ELA HSCE remind us… Learning is the master Resources are vehicles Management is the servant Margaret Mooney

Reflect… Take a couple of minutes to do a think, write, pair, share to answer the question: How will my teaching change to reflect the ELA Content Expectations and unit design?

Contact Information HS Content Expectations – Susan Codere Kelly ELA HS Content Expectations – Dr. Elaine Weber Content Expectations – Gale Sharpe

Office of School Improvement Contacts Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director Betty Underwood, Assistant Director Curriculum and Instruction Deborah Clemmons, Supervisor Curriculum and Literacy