The Influence of the Holocaust in the creation of Israel. Henry Ponce
Overview History_______________ _ What is Israel? Israel’s Location? Zionism World Zionist Organization Early plans for partition Events during the Holocaust/WWII Impact_____________ Aftermath of the Holocaust/WWII Creation of Israel Economy/ Repartition Israel____________ Israel in the late 20 th century Israel Today
What is Israel? Israel is the Jewish Nation state that was established after the end of World War II. Israel officially gained independence from the British Mandate on Palestine on the 14 th of May The U.N. administered and overviewed the creation of both the Jewish nation state (Israel) and the Arab nation state (Palestine)
Where is Israel? Israel is located in Western Asia and is situated on the Southeastern shore of the Mediterranean sea. Israel is bordered by Lebanon, Syrian Jordan, Egypt and adjacent as well as within its borders lies Palestine. Through a wide multitude of conflicts with neighboring Arab nations Israel has expanded its borders over time.
What is Zionism? Zionism: Is a Nationalist and Political Movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (also referred to as Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land). Since the Events of the Jewish Diaspora there has been aspirations to return to “Zion”, “The promised land”. As the nation that we now know as Israel has a deep religious roots with the Jewish peoples. Multiple Jewish colonies and influxes of Jewish immigrants to what is now known as Israel have occurred all throughout history. (Jews expelled from Spain 1492, First Aliyah 1881, Rabbi Yehuda Hachasid and a group of 1,500 Jews 1697.)
What is Zionism? (Continued ) Austro-Hungarian Journalist Theodor Herzl is credited with the establishing “Political Zionism.” Political Zionism: A political movement that supports the maintenance and preservation of the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland, originally arising in the late 19 th century with the goal of reestablishing a Jewish homeland in the region of Palestine. This goal of establishing a Jewish nation was meant to be achieved through the means on politics. Most importantly through international recognition and support from other nations.
World Zionist Organization Founded at the First Zionist Congress in August 1897 in Basle Switzerland by Theodore Herzl as a official institution which favored the establishment of a Jewish Nation state and promoted Political Zionism. “Basle Program”: A plan which was the first “step” in the creation of a Jewish nation state which promoted settlements in Palestine, Educating Jews on the plan and promoting national sentiment, Organizing Jews world wide and gain support from the international community.
Early Plans for Israel ( ) After the end of WWI Great Britain took control over what is now Israel and Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. In 1917 the “Balfour Declaration” written by the United Kingdoms Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour was introduced by Great Britain as a means of supporting the Jewish people in the establishing of a Nation State. Yet before the Balfour Declaration Britain had promised Palestine to two other nations. In 1916 to France (planning to partition it) and in 1915 Britain promised the land to the Meccans. By 1930 Britain decided to withdraw their support of creating a Jewish nation in Palestine
WWII/Holocaust ( ) In 1933 David Gurion and Adolf Hitler made a deal in terms of immigration of the Jewish peoples. The “Transfer Agreement” allowed Jews to leave Germany and go to Palestine in exchange for all of their possessions.(About 60,000 Jews took the opportunity ) In 1939 Great Britain introduced “The White Paper” which imposed travel restrictions on Jews trying to escape to Palestine and handed control to the Arab majority. During the Holocaust/ WWII Jews abroad and within Europe had no option, no means of changing policy and no way of acting. Rescue operations were tried but they almost always failed. There was no hope for the Jewish people, nothing could be done. Both Britain and Germany made any action nearly impossible.
Aftermath of the Holocaust/WWII The loss of 6,000,000 Jews, supporters, scientist, skilled labors, politicians, financial experts, Agriculturalist. All people who could have helped establish the Jewish nation state. A large majority of members of the World Zionist Organization were wiped out. (Poland 1/3 of members and Russia accounted for the largest losses) The survivors of the Holocaust had lost everything, businesses, personal wealth, heirlooms and all valuable items. This made funding for the Zionist movement very difficult. (in Europe).
Aftermath of the Holocaust/ WWII (Continued) Due to the all the atrocities and crimes committed against the Jewish people there was an overwhelming support in political Zionism and the idea that the only way that the Jewish people could be safe is by having their own nation. There was Universal support from the Jewish people for the creation of a Nation. Jews from Europe were willing to risk it all in order to leave Europe. Worldwide Jews were willing to mobilize and immigrate. Britain Became weaker and more susceptible to international pressures when it came to their diplomatic affairs. There was a surge in Illegal Immigration to Palestine after the end of the war. (The White Paper was still in place in 1945)
Creation of Israel Britain found itself in a very “tight” situation as between Jewish military groups began to form. These groups most notably “EZEL” were willing to engage in combat with Britain in order to resolve the Palestine crisis. (Even more pressure with the influx of immigrants) In 1947 Britain decided to hand this issue to the newly formed United Nations to solve. On November 29 th, 1947 the General Assembly of the U.N. decided to partition the land into a nation for the Jewish and a nation for the Arabs.
Economic status of Israel/ Repartition The newly formed nation faced a barrage of issues in its early years. Most dire were the economy, as there was an tremendous influx of Jewish immigrants that were left with nothing due to the Holocaust/WWII. Israeli leaders addressed their concerns with the United States, England and other Allied nation in regards to receiving reparations from Germany. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of Israel sent a letter to the Allies in September 20 th, 1945 asking for $8,000,000,000 dollars in restitution to help create Israel. The US and England did not want to partake in these negotiations and allowed West Germany and Israel to work out these terms. This Repartition is Crucial to the creation of Israel. Without this money Israel would have faced an economic collapse.
Israel in the late 20 th century Due to territorial and Religious disputes Israel has partaken in various conflicts from 1948-present. Israel has fought against coalitions of Arab nation such as Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, Palestine as well as a number of pro Palestinian and Jihadist groups. Due to these conflicts Israel has grown in size, expanding from the proposed partition plan due to territorial gains after peace treaty talks from neighboring Arab Nations.
Gains from war
Israel Today Israel currently has a population of 7,821, % Jewish 20.7% Arab 4.3% Others. Israel has a estimated GDP of $ billion dollars and ranks 25 th in per capita wealth. Israel currently has a very high HDI of placing it 19 th worldwide. Israel has become a very prominent player in middle eastern politics as well as on the international stage. Israel is becoming a nation for technical innovation with Tel Aviv being compared to Silicon Valley
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