Giant Panda By: Paige Elizabeth Gambell
The Reason I chose them I chose giant pandas because they are endangered and I wanted to learn why.
About them Class: Mammalia (Mammals)Mammalia (Mammals) Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae Genus: Ailuropoda Species: melanoleuca Length: about 5 feet Height at shoulder: 27 to 32 inches Weight: 220 to 330 pounds, with males about 10 percent larger than females Life span: about 14 to 20 years in the wild; up to 30 in managed care
Cubs A giant panda baby is called a cub. Number of young at birth: 1 or 2 Cub Newborn
Their Habitat Giant Pandas once lived in lowland areas but farming, forest clearing and city development has now driven Giant Pandas to the mountains. They now live only in the mountainous temperate forests of southwest China. The population of the Giant panda is believed to be less than a thousand.
Descriptive Paragraph There are two pandas in each picture, there is a mom and a cub. They are both sleeping.
Their Diet They eat bamboo and grass and some other things, but mostly bamboo. Bamboo
Why the are Endangered They are endangered due to people poaching them for their fur. Because they get a lot of money on the Black Market.
Conclusion I think people should stop poaching giant pandas because it is cruel to kill animals just for their fur so they can sell it on the Black Market and get a lot of money. They are also going to be extinct soon if people don’t stop.
Websites I Used!~!~!~ > > /default.cfm giant_panda.html giant_panda.html > ndas_endangered
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