-General fear of other people/strangers causing loneliness. -How people have been taught to avoid strangers. -How no one initiates the hello. (Pops the bubble) -The preoccupation with technology. -How everyone is on a mission, only looking to get from point a-b. -How people avoid conversation to avoid confrontation.
The letters will be designed to be a non- threatening way to say hello to a stranger and to encourage them and break the bubble. The letters will thank people for taking part in our event and perhaps offer some more information about how they can continue to "Break the Bubble." We as a group believe that it is essential for each of these letters to be handwritten as a posed to typed since it adds a personal touch and strays away from the technological aspect that creates social isolation to begin with.
Ice Breaker/Conversational Shirt activity is to promote a question and answer environment between us and our audience. These questions are ones which we feel are great "ice breakers" and are relevant to the issues which Project Breaking the Bubble plan to address. By placing the questions on T-shirts which we will be wearing, individuals will be able to read the question and formulate an answer even at a distance giving them time to think before they are asked to share their opinions with us. After having time to formulate a response to the various questions which we pose, individuals can answer these questions and even segway into their own. This will allow for us to keep the participants for longer periods of time.
Another goal of this activity is to see how long people will keep a conversation going with a complete stranger. We understand that the individuals' schedules will effect and limit our time with the individuals. However, it will be interesting to see if individuals who are heading off to work, school etc, will in fact take the time to get to know a new person who appears caring and kind.
Our third goal for this activity is to show how language in such a multicultural city like Toronto does in fact play a role in the way people interact with various individuals. Will people with no or little English even bother to stop to talk to us? Will people respond in a different way if they do stop, and will they use body language as a means of communication? Language is a major issue in terms of loneliness, isolation and the general fear of being "othered". This issue is one which is present and should be addressed in all classrooms, especially in our diverse schools. Also, we hope to prove through this activity that adults as well as children equally face the issue of not being able in one way or another to participate in activities due to various forms of limitations which language and communication can create.
With this project we hope to invite the public to answer a question or post a private note in a box. Our question will be along the lines of, "Why do we isolate ourselves or not have a more friendly and communicative culture in these busy everyday locations around the city?". The object of the question is really to provoke thought in the individual so they might reflect upon why they form this "bubble" and cease to interact with those around. Otherwise, we would also invite the public to write down a thought or private anonymous note to drop in the box.
Several times throughout the carnival event we will empty the box and post all notes, answers and comments on a large board or area for others to reflect upon. The entire process is to be anonymous. The end result will be a large space covered in these cards with thoughts and comments that strangers normally wouldn't share with other strangers. This event will require a medium sized box, a few markers for writing and an assortment of coloured cards.