By : Frison Colored Pencil Honors Art, Studio Painting and Drawing.


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Presentation transcript:

By : Frison Colored Pencil Honors Art, Studio Painting and Drawing

Benefits 0 Colored pencil is a simple, versatile medium, can be used to replicate the look of oils, watercolor, acrylic and more.

0 Only had been used and considered a fine art medium for less than a century, its popularity has grown over past few decades

0 Highly precise, combine well with other medium, inexpensive and easy to transport

0 Easily manipulate d and controlled

0 Endless creative possibilities

0 Unfortunately with all art supplies, the price does determine the quality so, get what you can afford. Get multiple brands of colored pencil packs

Color Theory

Using Compliments : When placed next to each other complimentary colors create lively, exciting contrast. Using a complimentary color in the background will cause your subject to seem to “pop” of the surface.

Replicate each in your sketch books, you have these already 1. A blended color wheel 2: a complimentary color scheme 3: An analogous color scheme 4. Monochromatic color scheme

8 Regular Colored Pencil Techniques 0 Strokes 0 Pressure 0 Strokes and Movement 0 Varied Line 0 Strokes and Texture 0 Hatching and Cross Hatching 0 Layering and Blending 0 Burnishing Day 2 : *These should be replicated in your sketchbooks

Strokes Every line you make in a colored pencil drawing is important, from the direction, width, texture and pressure will all contribute to the effect that you create.

Pressure Pressure: Varying the amount of pressure you use on your pencil is an easy way to transition between values. Colored pencils are translucent, the color of the paper underneath will show through. Medium pressure creates a good foundation for layering.

Strokes and Movements Strokes and Movement: A group of straight lines suggest direction A group of slightly curved lines gives a sense of motion. Combining the two gives a more turbulent busy effect

Varied Line Varied Line : Vary the width and weight of the lines you create to make them more textured and interesting These types of lines can create a feeling of dimension in your drawing

Strokes and Texture Strokes and Texture : You can imitate different textures by creating patterns of dots and dashes on the paper

Hatching and Cross Hatching

Layering and Blending Artist use a transparent layering process to either build up color or create new colors and visual effects. One should always use more than one color on any given area. To deepen a color, layer over it. To dull a color, use its complement. Always start with the lightest color and work your way up to the darkest color

Here is a still life rendered with layers of hatch strokes. It was built up by layering different values of the same color and then dulled a bit by adding a touch of its compliment. Notice the shadows are blends of many different colors, not just grey or black

Burnishing Day 3: In class drawing Blending technique that requires a build up of heavy pressure to blend two or more colors. Usually a heavy layer of white or another light color us applied over darker colors to create a shiny, shiny blend.