Sydney Pender’s Senior Year Case Study -Philosophy of Classroom Management -Classroom Community -Behavior Intervention Plan -Technology-Reflection
Philosophy of Classroom Management 3 Important Components to Effective Classroom Management 1. Students help make rules/expectations and agree to abide by them Students understand WHY the rules are in place Students feel obligation to abide by rules if they helped create them When students see purpose of rules they are more likely to follow them
Philosophy of Classroom Management 2. Consistency is KEY Reinforcing the right behavior every time is so important Reinforcing negative behavior is not beneficial for teacher or students Reminders are necessary when students are forgetting what they should be doing Refer back to the classroom contract when students are not following rules
Philosophy of Classroom Management 3. Students gaining independence in the classroom is the goal. Routines and procedures need to be taught and practiced explicitly during the first 9 weeks so that students know exactly what to do at every time of the day. When students know what to expect they feel safe and can learn. Independence saves teachers and students time and frustration later in the year.
Classroom Community - Classroom Community- each student feels that they are a unique and important part of their class, that they are safe to take risks, and that they care about one another and can empathize with each other. - Looks like… - Morning meetings with sharing, “risky” greetings, games, and getting to know each other by checking in with each other everyday - Students are able to resolve conflicts between one another with less and less teacher assistance - Each child feels their cultural background and family is known and appreciated within the classroom - A class that genuinely cares about each of its members, hurts when one is hurting, celebrates when one is celebrating, and laughs together on a daily basis
Profile of Student – “Ryan” -Age: 7-years-old turning 8, second grade -Race: African-American -Family- Mother is a teacher, Father works as a Coca Cola distributor, one younger sister -Academics: Extremely bright student, above grade level in most areas
Ryan’s Strengths and Needs Strengths: -Likes math and is very good at it -Picks up on math concepts quickly -Expressive reader -Uses multiple strategies to read new words -When motivated, he brings lots of energy and enthusiasm to the group -LOVES reading comic books more than anything else -Learning style: Kinesthetic – he NEEDS hands on activities to stay focused Needs: -Help staying organized -Motivation to stay on task -Time limit and goal for completing work -Constant reminders to stay focused and finish his work
Data Collection -Anecdotal Notes Worked well because I could write down exactly what was happening since his behaviors were not always the same Found that his behavior/focus either started out good or not so good each day, and usually continued in that way the rest of the day He really responded to positive feedback and encouraging notes
Behavior Intervention Plan -Weekly Sticker Chart -Chart broke down the day into each time period or subject -After each subject, we meet, talk about his behavior during that time, and decide together whether he earned his sticker for that time. -At the end of each day, we meet, add up his stickers for that day, and discuss whether he met or did not meet his goal and why or why not that happened. Then we discuss how tomorrow can be better if he did not meet his goal for that day. -At the end of each week, we add up the stickers from each day to see if he achieved his weekly goal, the chart would be sent home with him for his parents to see. -Rewards: If Ryan meets his weekly goal, he gets to read any book he wants during independent reading time the next Monday morning (he is typically required to read books chosen by his teacher in his Independent Reading Bin) If he meets his monthly goal (meeting weekly goal 4 times in a row), he gets to have an extra recess with the other second grade class.
Student Progress -Progress was monitored daily through use of the sticker chart and through the anecdotal notes. -We monitored progress weekly by looking at the sticker chart and noticing what times of the day he became unfocused and working on keeping him really engaged during those times. -After Ryan started making consistent progress and was successful at his first goal a few weeks in a row, I spoke with him and we decided to up his weekly goal. -Although Ryan still needs reminders and help staying on task, he has continued to make significant progress on his new goal and is no longer a problem or a distraction in the classroom. -At this point I would continue upping his sticker goal until he no longer even needs the chart or rewards to stay on task and stay focused.
Technology 1. Tumble Books -I found that this website was very useful in working with Ryan. -Picture books online -I would put them on the SMARTBoard and we would read them as a class -Highly interactive, appealed to Ryan and kept him focused. -Was also a great tool for the rest of the class including English Language Learners 2. -This website came with the Math Expression Series -Includes online lessons and tutorials that are interactive -We used this website on the SMARTBoard and Ryan really responded -Helped him stay focused and interested during the entire lesson
Reflection Things I learned… -All students can be motivated to learn, no matter who they are or where they come from. -Noticing patterns in children’s behavior, and then talking with the children about the patterns you are noticing can be helpful. -Instead of giving candy or toys, better rewards are giving children choices in how to spend time at school. -Partnering with parents throughout a behavior intervention plan is important and can make or break the plan and its success. -Success breeds success- When children feel like they have achieved something, they are more likely to try again even harder, and to experience more success the next time.
Sticker Chart MTWThF Morning Work Reading Science Math Writing Total:
Anecdotal Notes Date and Time What happened?Action Taken