Passion, Volunteering, Technology -My experience in University of Technology, Sydney Zhu Weijuan
Warming up What differences and similarities will you imagine between Shanghai and Sydney?
Similarities between SHA and SYD Modern and multicultural city Colorful leisure: full of stuff to enjoy and see (arts, food, fashion, world-famous brands…) Living cost high, A lot of life pressure Fast in IT technology (People are connected by Twitter and WeChat) Popular TV program (X-FACTOR and the Voice of China) School lectures (some of them are boring and long) Busy university teachers (lecturing, research, family…) Exams and assignments (terrible for students)
More to come about My Sydney Life…… 《 My Sydney Diary 》
About University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
My role in UTS Business school CMOS--- Center for Management and Organizational Studies (a research department in UTS Business School) My Research– Chinese Business Students’ knowledge and attitudes towards environmental sustainability Cross-disciplinary
UTS mission tes.html UTS graduate attributes tes.html
UTS Graduate attributes Intellect ual ProfessionalPersonal Practice - oriente d Critical and independen t thinking Disciplinary, professional and technical knowledge Spoken and written communication Managing own work Situate d in global workpl ace Information technology literacy Application of expertise appropriate to the practice context Understanding the contexts of professional work Working with others Cross cultural understanding Research- inspired and integrated Information literacy Ethical understanding Capacity for initiative and innovation Capacity for community engagement
My activities in UTS Attending marketing lectures and tutorials Attending many workshops and meeting concerning teaching and learning (2012 UTS learning and teaching forum: 35workshops run by staff about research in teaching and learning)2012 UTS learning and teaching forum Attending volunteering groups (HELPS, BUiLD, Wrap with Love knitting club, Blue stocking choir, Conversation at UTS) Involved in 3 research projects : a. Business Students knowledge and attitudes towards sustainability b. innovation in teaching marketing in English c. Internationalization of the Curriculum-using role plays to enhance intercultural engagement
Difficulties for Chinese students studying in Sydney Language and communication problems Independent learning skills Seeking support from tutors Making friends and networking Taking care of themselves Using technology ……. ( Our students do have the same difficulties in studying in Shanghai)
Get help - HELPS HELPS enhances learning experiences by providing individual and group support in a friendly and respectful environment. It aims to create independent and confident learners so they can reach their study and career goals through the development of their English language and academic skills and understanding. HELPS Autumn Program 2014 Assignment advice Daily workshops Holiday courses Write Now! writing clinics Self-help resources Special conditions in exams Events
Get connect and skill - BUiLD BUiLD (Beyond UTS International Leadership Development) is an exciting and dynamic leadership program, which is free to join and open to all UTS students. BUiLD provides you with a range of opportunities, locally and internationally, which will help you to develop your skills, broaden your horizons and build your leadership potential. Join BUiLD to: Be inspired by internationally renowned leaders working in our local community. Create networks with students and professionals from diverse backgrounds. Travel overseas to participate in global conferences, internships, community volunteer projects or short-term study programs. BUiLD takes you beyond your degree, giving you the chance to explore issues of social enterprise, sustainability and social justice. The program will equip you with the skills and tools to kick-start a meaningful career through a range of workshops, seminars, guest lectures, international relations events, networking sessions and overseas opportunities.
My Passion-teaching -to continuously improve my marketing class -helping students with English language and soft skills -share ideas and work with people who have the same passion
An idea An English language support program on campus ( name negotiable with my team members ) My experience with English Corner last semester gives me the confidence. To build other learning skills besides English language (manage your learning) More volunteering and passionate teachers are needed as facilitators. ( me if you are interested) Could be a real life case for my marketing class ……
My Sydney Diary Meeting different Chinese people in Sydney Vivid Sydney Typical Australian Family life Sydney Open 2012 – about architecture Volunteering for Sydney Manly Jazz Blue Stocking Choir –a joyful Singing Club Wrap with love-Knitting Club UTS Library Holdsworth Community Center ……