Fakebook John Adams, "Atlas of Independence" John Send John a message Wall Info On my way to fish with my horses #letsgofish# Write something… Share Information Presidential Number: 2 Political Party: Federalist State Elected From: Massachuttes Dates of Presidency: March 4, 1797 to March 3, 1801 Vice President(s): Thomas Jefferson 1798 The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions #YEAH Image ImageImage 1800 #Library of the Congress was established 1797 # XYZ affair 1798 The Navy Department and the Marine Corps were created #letsbestrong# 1798 The Capitol moved to Washington D.C. #finallymoving# 1798 Secured passage of Alien and Sedition Act #nowwearesecured#
Personal Information Fakebook Wall Info Basic Information Following Birthday: October 30, 1735 Hometown: Quincy, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Abigail Smith Family Members: father of John Quincy Adams; grandfather of Charles Francis Adams; cousin of Samuel Adams; father-in-law of William Stephens Smith, Abigail Amelia Adams, John Quincy Adams, Susanna Adams, Charles Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams Education: Harvard University Activities/Interests:Fishing, Riding Pets: Horse named Cleopatra Previous Jobs Lawyer, vice president, and Congress man Fun Facts Image John Adams, "Atlas of Independence" Image Bass Pro Shop Horses for Life Horse Riders Congress George Washington Harvard Schools Image When he had his term there was only a population of 5,308,483 When he left office there was only 16 stars on the flag He traveled around with a horse and carriage First vice president
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