Greek Gods and Goddesses
Zeus King of all the gods Had more powers than anyone Could throw his voice, shape shift, and throw lightning bolts He had a quick temper, a big sense of humor, and he was not afraid of anything except his wife, Hera.
Hera Queen of all the gods, also the goddess of marriage She was often jealous of her husband, Zeus There are many myths about Hera's jealously, anger, and revenge. Had a servant with 100 eyes named Argus
Poseidon Lord of the Sea He was very powerful and moody, so the Greeks were afraid of him Greeks built temples to honor him Had a palace at the bottom of the sea
Hades Ruler of the Underworld Had a home on Mount Olympus, but he preferred the Underworld He had an invisible helmet, a golden chariot, and his three-headed dog, Cerberus
Ares God of War He was tall and handsome, mean and self-centered His sidekick was the spirit of disagreement, Eris They also carried the spirits of Pain, Panic, Famine, and Oblivion Sought bloodshed and trouble
Hermes Zeus’ youngest son, made the messenger to the gods He was mischievous, fast on his feet, and very clever He always made deals to get himself and others out of trouble
Apollo God of music Apollo and his sister Artemis were twins. Children of Zeus and Leto Apollo was very protective of his mother Known in many famous myths, including the Oracle at Delphi
Artemis Goddess of the hunt and the moon Usually cold and pitiless She swore never to marry and resented people who intruded on her privacy, especially men
Athena Goddess of wisdom She became the guardian of the city-state of Athens after she won a contest with Poseidon Poseidon created a stream of salt-water, but she created the olive tree and won the contest
Hestia Goddess of hearth and home Deeply honored by Greek women They knew that Hestia was keeping watch over them as they did their chores
Demeter Zeus’ sister who was in charge of the harvest If she was upset, the crops would die Everyone worked to keep her happy (the company of her daughter Persephone made her happy)
Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty No one knows where to place her in the Greek family tree Many legends are written about her beauty, and she was very vain Some believe that the Trojan War began because she was offended
Hephaestus God of fire and forge He was the only Olympian who limped He was married to Aphrodite He made many things, including Mount Olympus and the first woman, Pandora
Heracles Known for his incredible strength Half god/ half mortal Completed many tasks and had several journeys attempting to gain his place amongst the gods
Eros God of love Shot his arrows into mortals and deities to make them fall in love Was not happy until he found love for himself
Dionysus God of grape harvest, winemaking, and wine He was very good at shape shifting After he was kidnapped by pirates and escaped, he married Princess Ariadne
Orpheus Talented musician He played the lyre which allowed him to cast spells and tame savage beasts Lost his wife to Hades
Echo Wood nymph who had a beautiful voice and possessed a good and loving heart She swore off all suitors 3 myths: Echo and Hera 2. Echo and Narcissus 3. Echo and Pan
Pan Watched over shepherds and huntsmen He had two horns coming out of his forehead and the legs of a goat. He also had a crooked nose and pointed ears. Loved music, dancing, and singing
Pandora Daughter of Zeus Sent to marry Epimetheus, a gentle but lonely man Opened the Pandora Box, which held things like envy, hate, crime, disease, and hope
Pegasus Known as “The Flying Horse Son of Poseidon and Medusa He was wonderful and warm Many tried to kidnap him, but the gods always helped him out Zeus rode him in the stars
How many gods and goddesses can you remember?