School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg The city is the the second largest in Sweden with 700,000 inhabitants. There are around 62,000 students at the University and Chalmers University of Technology Externa relationer is one of the most popular choices among university students in Sweden.
Gothenburg is renowned for its rapid growth of research and expertise companies. Several of the most renowned industrial companies in Scandinavia, such as Volvo, SKF, Mölnlycke Health Care and Hasselblad, originate from and have their head offices here. It is also an important conference venue and plays host to a large number of international events Externa relationer
History Founded as a private Business School in 1923 Became a part of the University, with its own faculty board, in 1971 Accredited by EQUIS since 2004 The founder's vision was to provide an academically based education with a combination of business administration, economics and law with a strong emphasis on language abilities.
Sweden’s largest Business School 440 staff professors, visiting professors and associated professors 6,600 full-time students 700 international students 220 exchange students
Management Team Olof Johansson Stenman Professor, Vice Dean Per Cramér Professor, Dean Mette Sandoff Associate Professor, Vice Dean
Corporate Advisory Board Leading management executives from a wide variety of companies, such as AB Volvo, Volvo Car Corporation, SKF, Stena, and the Swedish financial sector, provide strategic advice to the School’s Management Team, and act as a gateway to the vital corporate world for funding, research, recruitment and business.
Our Mission & Vision Mission Our mission is to develop knowledge and educate creative individuals for the advancement of successful organisations and a sustainable world. Vision We aim to be well known and respected in Europe
The School in the Society All our activities have an international, environmental, and social orientation, built upon the ”Swedish model” of mutually dependent private and public sectors creating a just and prosperous society Externa relationer
Sustainability Sustainability and CSR has been a key orientation for several decades All departments conduct research within Sustainability Our Environmental Economics Unit is an internationally well-reputed research centre The President of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Björn Stigson, holds a Chair of applied corporate management We were recently ranked number one in CSR Education in Sweden
Research Centres InnovationRenewalIndustry Interface Business & Design LabGothenburg Research InstituteCentre for Finance Centre for Business SolutionsCentre for Consumer ScienceCentre for Retailing Centre for Intellectual Property RightsCentre for Tourism Centre for International Business StudiesCentre for Regional Analysis Centre for Environmental Economics Lighthouse Centre for Maritime Transport Management Centre for European Research
Research Particularly strong areas of research: -Innovation and Intellectual Property -Logistics and Transport -Management -Environmental and Development Economics -Accounting
Research Part of our strategy is to focus on global challenges that require interdisciplinary solutions Climate change Energy supply Economic development Global trade and environment The corporate role in society Externa relationer
Education Third cycle, 3 years (Licentiate and Doctoral degrees) Second cycle, 2 years (Master degree) First cycle, 3 years (Bachelor degree ) Bachelor Programmes, 180 ECTS credits Master Programmes, 120 ECTS credits taught in English Master Programmes, 120 ECTS credits taught in English Programme in Business and Economics, ECTS credits Master of Laws Programme, 270 ECTS credits Single subject courses PhD Education provided within all departments PhD Education provided within all departments Single subject courses
Subject Areas Accounting Economic History Economics Finance Human and Economic Geography Industrial Financial Management Innovation Management International Business Law Logistics Management Marketing
Graduate School Master of Science in Accounting Master of Science in Economics Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management Master of Science in International Business and Trade Master of Science in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship Master of Science in Logistics and Transport Management Master of Science in Management Master of Science in Marketing and Consumption Externa relationer
Internationalisation EQUIS accredited in 2004 and granted a five-year re-accreditation in 2009 AACSB members Graduate School; nine Master programmes in English Visiting Professors Programme International EMBA 130 courses in English exchange network of 158 partner universities has sent and received more than 8,000 students on exchange programmes, the major part of the total exchange at the University Externa relationer Partner universities Africa6 Asia24 Europe97 Latin America5 North America17 Oceania9 Total158*
Visiting Professors Programme The Visiting Professors Programme entails around thirty international performing and well-merited professors performing research and teaching at the School’s master programmes and executive education. It contributes to our strategy of improving the international profile and competitiveness of the School by increasing the share of international researchers within the faculty. It is also part of a long- term internationalisation strategy which involves building deeper relations with a number of esteemed universities and business schools around the world Externa relationer
Partnership Programme Mission: To create a mutually beneficial exchange between companies, public administration and the academia. 42 partner companies Further education The School supports its partner companies as they expand internationally. Executive MBA programs and specifically developed Executive Edcuation for companies that operate globally. Career Service – meeting point for students and employers Alumni – relations with former students
Corporate Partners Associate Partners AstraZeneca BRG Business Region Göteborg AB Deloitte Elof Hansson AB Ernst &Young Göteborg Energi Göteborgs Hamn AB Handelns forskningsstiftelse Hogia AB KPMG PricewaterhouseCoopers AB Saab Microwave Systems SCA Hygiene Products Stampen AB SYSteam Senior Partners AB Volvo Andra AP-fonden Deutsche Bank Elanders AB Handelsbanken Jeeves KappAhl SEB Sjätte AP-fonden SKF AB Stena Metall AB Stena AB Swedbank Volvo Car Corporation Västra Götalandsregionen Göteborg & Co Turismens Utredningsinstitut Västsvenska Turistrådet Luftfartsverket Sveriges Hotell & Restaurangföretagare
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