PIC simulation of Vacuum Arc Mrunal Parekh VJTI-SIEMENS high voltage laboratory-Mumbai Electrical Research & Development Association
How it Look like
Schematic of vacuum Discharge
Motivation Vacuum arc physics – The crux for vacuum interrupter development Mathematical approach for visualization of vacuum discharge process
Electrodynamic Model Idea is to identify current density and heat flux in vacuum switch Considered Short circuit current of 40kA and 11kV system voltage as input parameter Solved Maxwell’s equation along with constitutive relations
PIC Model Tried three scenarios with different voltages: 1kV, 2kV, 4kV, 10kV a)2mm AK gap b)10mm AK gap c)20mm AK gap with secondary electron and copper ion (Cu +1 ) emission from anode
Case (a) 2 mm AK gap 1kV2kV 4kV 10kV
Case (a) 2 mm AK gap with 1kV
Case (c) 20mm AK gap 1kV2kV 4kV 10kV
Case (c) 20mm AK gap with 1kV
10mm 1 kV 20mm 1 kV
conclusion This Hypothetical study can help in setting the basis for studying breakdown phenomena in vacuum circuit breaker Approach can give visualization of vacuum breakdown process and partial statistics
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