Oot o this Warld
Write a story about aliens or space in Scots Create Scots names for space travellers, alien life-forms, planets, gadgets and anything else you might need for your story. Write a short story in Scots about aliens. Make a comic using Scots about aliens.
Hero Give your hero a title - Captain or Commander. Use an ordinary first name – Jack or Sarah. Choose a positive Scots word for their surname. Bonnie-Beautiful Braw-Handsome Guid-Good Strang-Strong Gallus -Confident
Captain Jack Braw
Robot Sidekick Choose a funny first name - Rusty or Minnie. Put the word ‘Metal’ or ‘Tin’ or ‘Micro’ in front of… Lugs-Ears Mooth-Mouth Heid-Head Oxters-Armpits Fernietickles -Freckles
Rusty Tin Heid
Mak up yer ain Planet Choose a Scots word that would be a good name for a planet. Think carefully about your choice. The planet name you choose will also describe the aliens and other things on the planet.
Some planet names Planet Bonnie (where everyone and everything is beautiful) Planet Mingin (a very smelly place) Planet Heelstergowdie (all upside down)
Planet Crabbit
Some mair planet words Glaikit - Stupid Nebbie-Nosey Scunner -Fed up Wheesht-Silent Bogle-Ghost
Whit does yer planet look like? Imagine the landscape on your alien planet.
Describe yer planet Use Scots words to help you describe your planet. cauldmoontains shoogliebrae jeelieloch booncinstanes fleein groond
The Aliens What do you want to call the aliens? Their name could be connected to their planet… The Mingers fae Planet Mingin The Bonnie Bonnies fae Planet Bonnie or a name to describe how they look…. The Doubleheids The Mucklemooths The Hunnertaes
The Doubleheids
Some mair ideas You could use more of the Scots words you know to create… spaceship names gadgets evil human characters evil alien characters
Short story Captain Jack Braw telt Rusty Tin Heid tae wheesht. Captain Jack wis worried. His spaceship had crash landed on a planet and he didnae ken whit it wis cawed. They stood aside a loch that wis filled wi ginger. “Captain Jack, sir,” said Rusty. “Ma sensors are readin that it is Irn Bru.” “An Irn Bru Loch?” Jack said. “Whaur are we?”
Space Comic style
Comic Life - comiclife.com