6 th Grade, HEKASI Mr. Ichigo Korosaki February 14, 2012
Born: 276 BC in Cyrene Died: 194 BC in Alexandria (age of 82) Ethnicity: Greek Occupation: Scholar, librarian, poet, and inventor; also a mathematician, athlete, geographer, astronomer and music theorist.
Invented the discipline of geography; invented a system of Latitude and Longitude Calculated the circumference of the earth; the distance from the earth to the sun and Leap Day Created the map of the world Invented the armillary sphere Proposed a simple algorithm for finding Prime Numbers
Founder of Scientific Chronology Second best in the world in almost every field Third chief librarian of the Greek Library of Alexandria Known as the “ Father of Geography “
Eratosthenes is one of the best scientists ever lived. A well rounded and versatile man that had done a lot for the advent of new knowledge that would be a springboard towards new discoveries.