Emergency Planning for Animals In Wisconsin Darlene M. Konkle, DVM, MS, DACVIM Veterinary Emergency Program Manager Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Division of Animal Health
Authority over pet planning In WI – local jurisdictions ◦ County response plans ◦ Resources? State plan ◦ Appendix to ESF 11 Federal and NGO resources
Considerations Feed and water Identification Reunion with owners Safety concerns Disease Sanitation Donation mgt.
Who can help? Medical Reserve Corps ◦ Over 1700 veterinarians in MRC ◦ Dedicated animal/ veterinary MRC units Find the experts in your community ◦ Veterinarians ◦ Veterinary technicians ◦ Humane shelter operators ◦ Humane/ animal control officers ◦ Etc.!
Who can help? National level resources ◦ AVMA – VMAT teams Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams ◦ HHS –NVRT teams National Veterinary Response Teams ◦ NARSC – umbrella org. NGOs National Animal Rescue and Sheltering Coalition
VMAT: Three Roles Early Assessment Basic Treatment Training
NARSC Coalition of national animal welfare groups ◦ AVMA ◦ ASPCA ◦ Pet Smart Charities ◦ Pet Finder.com ◦ American Red Cross ◦ American Humane Assn. ◦ Others
Wisconsin Animal Response Corps WARC – a WI statewide MRC unit A group of volunteers skilled in working with animals during emergencies
WARC Mission To assist the state and local communities in a disease or disaster event involving animals
WARC Activities Education and training Partnerships with other MRC units Relationships with other organizations ◦ WVMA ◦ Dane Co EM Foreign animal disease recognition and response Integration into local communities
Wisconsin Planning State plan in place - framework County animal response plans ◦ Examples Currently not a standard level of planning for all counties Work towards regional or county animal response coordinators
Resources American Veterinary Medical Association ◦ er/Pages/default.aspx er/Pages/default.aspx IA State Center for Food Protection ◦ Rural all-hazards guide: National Animal Rescue and Sheltering Coalition ◦ narsc.net
Questions? Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection Division of Animal Health