Junior Marine Brief
Planning your Future What do you plan to do after the Marine Corps? Do you need to take a self-assessment? What resources are available in my area? Can you start it while on active duty? How can you pay for it?
Overview Career Planning The first step at an MCCS Education Center Self-Assessments United States Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) Marine Corps Credentialing On-Line Opportunities (MCCOOL) College Planning First Year Goals Joint Service Transcript (JST) Testing Accessing Higher Education Second Year Goals Narrowing the choices Financial Aid Marine Corps Tuition Assistance Leadership Scholar Program
1 st Step in Planning - Visit MCCS Education Counselors Let us help you to plan your career and education pathways Kinser (Tues-Thurs) – Lakeitha McGee-Calvin – Futenma – Marie Hill – Foster – Beth Saltaformaggio – Courtney (Mon) – Lakeitha McGee-Calvin – Hansen – Kevin Murphy – Schwab – Caesar Hernandez –
Self-Assessments Don’t know what occupation or major is right for you? Make an appointment with an education counselor and get on the right path!
Available to Marines, Navy and Coast Guard Receive recognition for skills learned Improve advancement opportunities Obtain documented proof of work experience Gain work experience Become more marketable for future employment
Marine Corps Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) Identify MOS-related licenses and certifications Learn to bridge Marine Corps training and civilian credentialing requirements Resources available to help Marines earn civilian job credentials
College Planning - First Year Goals Learn what higher education pursuits are available while waiting to be eligible for TA. Let’s explore these options.
Joint Services Transcript (JST) Get college credit for what you do: Boot Camp Marine Combat Training (MCT) MOS School/A School Marine Corps Institute (MCI’s) Corporals Course Sergeants Course *Credit is based on the American Council on Education (ACE) Recommendations
CLEP/DSST Accepted at over 2900 colleges/universities Register with prior to scheduling a CLEP testhttp://clep.collegeboard.org/started – Study Guides available at: - CLEP Libraries the Foster Testing Office for study guides – DSST
Test for college credit CLEP/DSST 1 st attempt free Retesting- must wait three months 33 CLEP exams/38 DSST exams Pass → Earn College Credit Study materials available at MCCS Libraries Testing sites: Foster, Hansen, Schwab, and Kadena Contact UMUC National Testing Center to register:
ACT - American College Test SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test GMAT - General Management Aptitude Test GRE - Graduate Record Exam MAT - Miller’s Analogies Test Military Classification Tests ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (AFCT-Armed Forces Classification Test) DLAB - Defense Language Aptitude Battery DLPT - Defense Language Proficiency Test ASTB – Aviation Selection Test Battery TABE – Test of Adult Basic Education College Admission Tests
MWR Libraries Military Test Prep Academic Test Prep Career & Certification Test Prep EBooks Educational Searches GED Practice Tests
LIBRARIES On all USMC camps Open 365 days a year ID required for check outs, computer usage Available Resources Books/Audio books Computers (internet, databases, MS Office) Videos (DVD, VHS) Magazines & Newspapers Music CDs Wii & PlayStation Games ASVAB Study Guides Transparent Language Online (TLO) Zinio Online Magazines Universal Class
Accessing Higher Education Attend 2- Day Accessing Higher Education Track Workshop Learn how to choose a college major Learn how to apply for college Learn how to locating living arrangements Financial resources including the GI Bill A-Z in college planning For more information or to enroll please contact: Neely Jo Harrington Camp Foster /7160 Evan Carpenter Camp Foster /4376
College Planning – Second Year Goals Narrow your list of colleges to between 3 and 5 Use College Navigator to search for schools Create a master list or calendar that keeps you on track Finalize your college choices Apply for financial assistance
Federal Grants and Loans — FAFSA Application Federal Student Aid Programs Federal Grants Do not have to be repaid if classes are completed successfully Federal Loans (must be repaid) Subsidized Unsubsidized Perkins (school loan) Federal Work Study Undergraduate students jobs either on or off campus and are paid at least federal minimum wage ** One-on-one assistance is provided by MCCS Education Counselors **
A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further education. Scholarships are awarded on various criteria: Merit-based: athletic, academic, artistic or other abilities, and often factor in an applicant’s community services record or extracurricular activities Student-specific: race, gender, religion, family and medical history, etc. Career-specific: awarded by a college or university to students planning to pursue a specific study Okinawa education scholarship booklets are available at the education centers.
College Planning – Second Year Attend a TA/College 101 Brief at your MCCS Education Center. – Register for classes and provide your TA authorization form to the school.
Leadership Scholar Program (LSP) Partnership between universities/colleges and the USMC to: Help honorably discharging Marines continue their education Identify Marines who might qualify apply to an institution Present applicants to Admission Office Ensure acceptance for qualified Marines Qualifications: Honorable discharging status High school graduate GT score of 115 or above AFQT score of 70 or above
KinserBldg 1220Tel FutenmaBldg 407Tel FosterBldg 5679Tel CourtneyBldg 4412Tel HansenBldg 2339Tel SchwabBldg 3429Tel QUESTIONS? MARINE & FAMILY PROGRAMS PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION AND CAREER SERVICES
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