Understanding Standards: Biology An Overview of the Standards for Unit and Course Assessment
Structure of Presentation Aims Course Structure Unit Assessment: o Outcome 1 o Outcome 2 o Added Value Unit (National 4) o Investigative Biology Unit (Advanced Higher) Course Assessment o Question Paper o Assignment o Project Key Documents
Aims To provide subject specialists with a general overview of the standards for Unit and Course assessment. To highlight differentiation in standards and assessment across all the levels of the Course. standards and assessment across all the levels
Course Structure
Biology Course Structure Level Number of Units Mandatory Units National 33 Cell Biology Multicellular Organisms Life on Earth National 44 Cell Biology Multicellular Organisms Life on Earth Added Value Unit National 53 Cell Biology Multicellular Organisms Life on Earth
Biology Course Structure Level Number of Units Mandatory Units Higher 3 DNA and the Genome Metabolism and Survival Sustainability and Interdependence Higher Human Biology 4 Human Cells Physiology and Health Neurobiology and Communication Immunology and Public Health Advanced Higher 3 Cells and Proteins Organisms and Evolution Investigative Biology
Unit Assessment
Each Unit has two Outcomes which are both internally assessed: Outcome 1 Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Unit to carry out an experiment/practical investigation. Outcome 2 Draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Unit and apply scientific skills. Unit Assessment: Outcomes
Each Outcome has a number of Assessment Standards which vary depending on the level of the Course: Outcome 1: Assessment Standards Outcome 2: Assessment Standards To achieve a Unit pass, candidates must achieve all of the Assessment Standards for Outcome 1 and Outcome 2. Unit Assessment: Assessment Standards
Unit Assessment: Approaches to Assessment Assessors must gather evidence for the Outcomes and Assessment Standards for each Unit. This can be generated using a variety of activities, some of which are suggested in the Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASP). Alternatively, other discrete assessment activities or those which occur naturally, during learning and teaching, could be used.
The Judging Evidence Tables in UASP describe how the Assessment Standards may be met. Assessors should use their professional judgement in ensuring that candidates’ evidence meets the requirements of the Outcomes and Assessment Standards for the Unit being assessed. Unit Assessment: Assessment Judgements