This is a quiz challenging people on what they know about health and fitness. It is also trying to get people to get fitter and more healthy. This is quite an easy quiz which I am sure you will be able to work through, but I will just give you a few tips nevertheless. Firstly every time you answer a question it will take you to another slide; the slide says if the answer is correct or if the answer is incorrect. On the slide in the bottom left hand corner there is a link saying to go to the next question or to go to the previous question try again or next question if you click on the one you get you will either get another chance to do the question again or you will be able to forward to the next question.
What does BMI stand for? 1)Brain mass indexBrain mass index 2)Body mass indexBody mass index 3)Brain material independencyBrain material independency
CORRECT A BMI of 20 to 24.9 is considered as being normal. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese. Individuals with a BMI of 25 or greater are at a higher risk for certain health conditions these include heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered to be underweight.
1)AppleApple 2)TangerineTangerine 3)AvocadoAvocado Which contains the most calories?
CORRECT These are the nutritional values of an avocado. These are the nutritional values of an apple. These are the nutritional values of a tangerine
Which will help you lose more calories in one hour? 1)BoxingBoxing 2)Sitting on the couch watching TVSitting on the couch watching TV 3)Walking at a general paceWalking at a general pace
CORRECT These are some facts on boxing; Boxing is also called pugilism. There are 2 types of boxing these are amateur and professional boxing. Boxing is administered by a referee over a sequence between 1 to 3 minute intervals which are called rounds Boxing dates back to the ancient Greeks who made it part of the Olympics. The result is decided when an opponent is reckoned to be incapable continuation by the referee, if an opponent is disqualified for breaking any rule, quit by throwing in a towel or by judges' scores at the end.
Which snack is the healthiest? 1)100 grams of chocolate bar (milk chocolate)100 grams of chocolate bar (milk chocolate) 2)100 grams of cheese of cheese and onion crisps100 grams of cheese of cheese and onion crisps 3)75 grams of oatmeal bar with no added sugar75 grams of oatmeal bar with no added sugar
CORRECT These are reasons why you should have oatmeal; Oatmeal can help lower cholesterol and therefore reduce the risk of getting heart disease. Oatmeal can decrease the risk for type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal helps reduce high blood pressure. Oatmeal encloses in a large collection of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Oatmeal can even actually diminish the risk for getting specific types of cancer.
What is the maximum amount of salt you can consume each day? 1)0.6 grams0.6 grams 2)6g grams6g grams 3)60 grams60 grams
CORRECT These are the effects of having too much salt; More water retention in the body. High blood pressure. Increase risk of getting cardiovascular disease. These are the effects of having too less salt; Dizziness and nausea. Low Blood Pressure. Increased chance of stroke.
How many litres of water should you consume each day? 1)44 2)88 3)22
CORRECT Did you know that; The human body consists of 55% to 78% which means that two thirds of the body is comprises of water and therefore it is the main constituent of the human body. Human blood comprises of 83% water. The human brain comprises of 90% of water. Human bone comprises of 22% of water. Human muscles comprise of 75% water
How many portions of fruit and vegetable should you have each day? 1)66 2)55 3)77
CORRECT These are reasons why you should have 5 portions of fruit and vegetable each day; They are a good foundation of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium. They are a brilliant source of dietary fibre, which assists in preserving a healthy gut and to any digestion problems. Fibre can even reduce your chance of getting bowel cancer. Fruit and vegetables will contribute to a healthy and balanced diet. They help minimise the risk of getting heart disease, strokes and a few forms cancer.
What long should you exercise for in one day? 1)1 hour1 hour 2)2 hours2 hours 3)30 minutes30 minutes
CORRECT Exercise strengthens the heart muscle and various other muscles, it also diminishes the chance of heart attack. It also reduces the bad LDL cholesterol and increases the good HDL cholesterol and this means reduced blood pressure. Improves oxygen and nutrient circulation around the body and increases breathing efficiency. It helps prevent back pain and improves body posture. It can also strengthens bones reduce threat of osteoporosis. It strengthens the tissues nearby the joints and reduces pain from arthritis. It improves the immune system so there is less chance of being affected by contagious diseases. It enhances your energy and productivity levels. It can also improve quality of sleep. It is known to reduce anxiety, depression and fatigue levels. It improves your cognitive function and ability. Finally it decreases the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.
Which meal is the most important? 1)LunchLunch 2)BreakfastBreakfast 3)TeaTea
CORRECT Why exactly is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Study completed on young adults found those who had nothing for breakfast underachieved on short term memory tests in comparison to those who had breakfast. The longer you go on without having breakfast, the more your body starts to function more slowly. Studies show that when people don't eat breakfast, they tend to look for high calorie containing food, this is because their body desires the sugar and carbohydrates within the food as they are a fast source of energy. Research and studies show that adults who have a habit of avoiding breakfast incline to have higher LDL cholesterol (the bad type) and insulin levels. These two can be considered originators of diabetes and heart disease.
Who should consume the most calories? 1)A manA man 2)A womanA woman 3)A childA child
CORRECT This is a table showing the daily recommended calorie intake for a child, females and males that are of different activity levels.
Well done for finishing the quiz Statement Get up get moving is a national campaign that aims to help people of all ages to get fit and healthy. It aims to provide information to the public on ways you can stay fit and also turn into a very healthy person. If you think that the path to becoming fit is frightening we could help you if you go to our website, where you can find a lot more information. So don’t miss this opportunity to improve the quality of your life totally.