Project Outreach & Mapping Pakistan Target Districts MULTAN MUZAFFARGARH RAHIM YAR KHAN SHIKARPUR Number of Schools 22 Enrolled Students 3363 Number of Schools 107 Enrolled Students ECD Centres 8 (760 Students) Number of Schools 70 Enrolled Students ECD Centres 4 (383 Students) Number of Schools 105 Enrolled Students ECD Centres 4 (438 Students)
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) - the centre for education and consciousness, is a Public Trust. Formed & registered under Trust Act in June 2000, under Societies Act in 2006 ITA’s primary focus is on comprehensive education reform, working strategically with public sector to influence policy and systems.
Program Portfolio in District Muzaffargarh Whole School Improvement Program (WSIP) Dubai Cares Girls Education/Flood Emergency Project (Completed) Dubai Cares-Oxfam Enhancing Girls Enrollment Project (Completed) Oxfam Girls Education Project (Completed) Healthy Pakistan Mission (Unilever Pakistan) (Continue) ASER(Annual Status of Education Report) 2012 (Continue) CHAON (Completed) PEF Trainings 2012 (Completed) Tools for Schools (Unilever Pakistan) (Completed)
Project Progress Project Title Children, especially girls aged 2-12, have access to quality education with improved infrastructure and safe learning environment Duration April 2011 till June 2013 Number of Partner Schools 105 Project Location Kot Addu ActivityTargetAchievedInterventions Provision of missing facilities 20 (Schools)22 (Schools) Boundary wall, New Room, Toilet Block, Repair & Maintenance etc
Project Progress Project Title Children, especially girls aged 2-12, have access to quality education with improved infrastructure and safe learning environment Duration April 2011 till June 2013 Number of Partner Schools 105 Project Location Kot Adu ActivityTargetAchievedInterventions Furniture20 (Schools) Kids Room, Bench Desk & Teacher’s Science kit20 (Schools)
Project Progress (TLMs) Project Title Children, especially girls aged 2-12, have access to quality education with improved infrastructure and safe learning environment Duration April 2011 till June 2013 Number of Partner Schools 105 Project Location Kot Adu ActivityTargetAchievedInterventions Reading Kit, Story Books ECE Kit105 Play Cards etc Health Kits & First Aid Box 105 Sports Kit105 Monthly Art Material 105
Teaching Learning Material (TLMs)
Project Progress Project Title Children, especially girls aged 2-12, have access to quality education with improved infrastructure and safe learning environment Duration April 2011 till June 2013 Number of Partner Schools 105 Project Location Kot Adu ActivityTargetAchievedInterventions Teacher’s Training 200 Subject based, ECE, DRR, Health & Hygiene, Annual School Planning Provision of Para Teachers 40 1 for each school as per need Back-to- School Kits 1000 children 1000 children in 7 schools Uniform, sweaters, shoes, notebooks, school bag, etc
Project Progress Project Title Children, especially girls aged 2-12, have access to quality education with improved infrastructure and safe learning environment Duration April 2011 till June 2013 Number of Partner Schools 105 Project Location Kot Adu ActivityInterventions Celebration of International Advocacy Days Global Action Week, World Teachers Day, International Children Day, etc Children’s /Girls Participation in WSIP & Advocacy School Improvement
Teacher’s Training
Summer School Themes of Summer School 1.“ Promoting Understating of managing Natural Disaster-DRR through Active Citizenship Skills” 2.“Promoting reading for learning and literacy through Phonics based method-CPB Activities Story Telling Performance on Story Paintings/posters Model Making Essay Writing Speech Competition Health & Hygiene Activities. Role Play Big Book ASER Tools Assessment Open House
Girls Clubs..
School Council & Community Meetings Annual SDP meeting with the involvement of School Council, Teachers and Students
International Literacy Day Walk on International Literacy Day
Kit for GirlsKit for Boys
New Room Toilet Pre-ConstructionPost Construction
Boundary Wall Pre-ConstructionPost Construction
Provision of Furniture Note: School Furniture Provided at 70 Partner Schools with Construction
Establishment of 07 ECD Day Care Centres / Sanjha Verah Established 07 Early Childhood Development Centers / SV (Sanjha Verah) at Kot Adu / Muzaffargarh SVs are community based units catering to children aged 06 months to 04 years and their mothers, embedded in maternal and child health, nutrition, learning stimulation (ECE), strong parenting and social support Sensitizing 660 mothers regarding care and development of children. Trained 500 mothers to promote kitchen gardening. Vocational training of beauty care to 45 mothers with the collaboration of TEVTA Early Childhood Development Day Care Centres (Sanjha Vehrah) Project Progress
ECD Centres / Sanjha Verah “SANJAH/ PANJHO VEHRA/O”(SV/PV) literally translated as “OUR COURTYARD” In Seraiki & Sindhi conveys several meanings : an abode of togetherness, protection and development, ownership, community participation and empowerment; SV is a holistic Early Childhood Development approach, for Strong Early Foundations for children and mothers /care givers
Safe Learning Environment: Health & Nutrition: Monitoring of Developme ntal Milestones, vaccination Cooking by Mothers – Nutritious food for Children
Use of ECE Kit Self Introduction Concept of Family Local and national festivals Basic mathematical concepts Story telling Identification of fruits & vegetables Profession Shapes Concept of Light & heavy Rhymes and Lories Games with Toys & Puppets Role Plays Group Work Life Skills based Activities Face to Face Time Greeting Circle Creative Art Health Activities Cooking Activity –Nutirtion etc Learning Activities with children
Project Completed Project Title “Helping Girls into Schools Through School Improvement & Advocacy” Project Duration April 2011 till December 2012 Number of Partner Schools 46 Project Location Muzaffargarh Key Achievements Rehabilitated 03 Partner Schools Provided school furniture in 03 Rehabilitated schools CFS, Health/hygiene, DRR/Gender training provided in 46 schools. Provided 10 para teachers as per need identified in partner schools till February 2013 School Enrichment Program – Life Skills, session with students, follow-up with teachers, etc School Council/Community meetings. Provision of Reading Kits in 46 Partner Schools
Project Title Enhancing Girls Enrolment in Remote Areas of Pakistan Duration: Number of Partner Schools 46 Project Location Muzaffargarh Key Acheivements Physical Rehabilitation 9 target schools -provision of furniture & TLMs Teachers - Continuous Professional Development 20 days annually Formation and Strengthening of School Councils/SMCs WASH - Students, Teachers & SMC members District Education Planning & Strengthening (DoE) Policy & Advocacy for sustained quality and access Project Completed
The purpose of this project is to create awareness among the students and teachers and to tell them about the importance of the Health & Hygiene as it reduce the absenteeism rate of the students. Mostly students are out of schools due to different diseases like (fever, flu, and diarrhea). Program summary of year 2012 is given below: 150 schools (75 Muzaffargarh,75 Kot Addu) were the target out of which 100 schools was covered before the summer vacations and 50 schools covered after summer vacations. In Each School a training session was organized regarding Hand washing, personal Hygiene. Total teachers & students participated in the activities. HPM (Healthy Pakistan Mission)
Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is a survey regarding the quality of education and learning levels for the age group ASER seeks to fill a gap in educational data by looking to provide a reliable set of data at the district level, that is comprehensive, creditable and easy to understand. The purpose of ASER survey is: To get reliable estimates of the status of children’s schooling and basic learning (reading and arithmetic) at the district level To measure change in these basic learning and school statistics over time-annually ASER survey has been completed in Muzaffargarh for the year Final report/Finding available at
In four month project, training session for Govt. teachers were organized. 139 school teachers participate in this training. Objective of training was to Make Child friendly school (CFS) CHAON (Children against oppressions and neglect) Projects Completed PEF(Punjab Education Foundation) Trainings In this project,42 training sessions were organized in 42 PEF Schools. This training program established a low-cost, in-service training system which provides untrained teachers with new skills, better teaching aids, and continuing professional support. Tools for Schools in collaboration with Unilever-Pakistan In ten flood affected schools of district Muzaffargarh, this project was implemented. Student’s furniture, black boards, maps, posters &gift hampers were distributed in that schools.
Piloting of new Learning Program “Access plus Learning” at one village (Chak 523 TDA) in Kot Adu (April 25 till June 30, 2013) Healthy Pakistan Mission supported by Uniliver Pakistan ASER 2013 Survey Future Plans
Accelerated Learning & Enrolment Program – Chalo Parhain Barhain.. Low Cost High Impact Innovation Strategy for 2010 – 2020 – Large Scale - Measureable Impact on Learning and Enrolment with sustainability - A 12 month intervention Area of Operation: Lowest Performing Union Councils will be selected on the basis of: ASER Survey Govt. Data (Reform Road Map, Other Reports) PEC Exams/other equivalent/ ASER test Mapping of Un-enrolled Children Maximum 10 – 15 Schools per Union Council
A.SURVEY ASER Survey of up to 60 households to identify Out of School Children (OOSC) & Learning Levels in a village School Based Survey of all students grade 3-5 to identify children at risk of drop outs Survey Administration: Team of 03 surveyors for survey: School Survey with CPB test : 03 days Household Survey: 02 days Data Entry & Report Compilation: 02 days Outcome: Baseline Village Report Card indicating Children Learning Levels & % of OOSC for action SCOPE OF WORK AT VILLAGE/MOHALLA LEVEL Continue ….
Sharing the program with Govt. /Province/District and agreeing with its phase I roll out- low performing Dist/UCs Agreement in principle that school heads/teachers will be part of the program and learn its core areas during the training and roll out Agreement that for 30 days children at risk from dropping out (ASER test /low learning levels) can be pulled out for the Lit Camp 10 days at a time X 3 times Support to the same school for Para teacher/s for 9 months; SMC/SC strengthening SDP making; children’s leadership camps and learning materials as per need Agreement that shortage of teachers will be addressed for those schools on priority basis Agreement that all successful components will be mainstreamed through govt. systems - Review each month
1. Literacy Camps - Enhancing Learning Levels – Located in Village Schools 02/03 volunteers Will be hired Training will be imparted to volunteers by ITA Literacy Camps during School timing ( April – May ) or (Aug/Sept.- Oct)- 2 hours Volunteer /s to remain in school after conducting camps Multiple Camps can run simultaneously for maximum 150 Children per village Continue …. B. PROGRAM INTERVENTIONS – 10 Month