Become a Nurse!
Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Nurses' aides, patient care technicians, home health aides or home health assistants (HHAs) provide patients with assistance in their daily living tasks can be found in hospitals, as well as in different types of nursing homes, adult living facilities, and even in private homes.
Registered Nurse (RN) Registered Nurse (RN) perform a variety of duties including providing treatments, educating patients and their families about various medical conditions, and providing advice and emotional support to patients and family members. may choose to specialize in areas of health care relating to a particular condition, an area of the body, a certain type of patient or an area of the hospital
Travel Nurse Travel Nurse an RN who takes travel assignments, working in hospitals across the country for periods of around three months at a time work in hospitals that are experiencing a strong shortage of nurses, and their working conditions may vary greatly from one assignment to the next. highly paid and enjoy generous benefits, since their services are in such high demand.
Public Health Nurse (PHN) Public Health Nurse (PHN) RNs with specialized training in community health frequently travel to patients' homes, schools or community centers, where they work with families and individuals to find viable, accessible solutions to community health concerns
Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner an RN who has completed additional courses and specialized training in order to function as a doctor. provide basic primary health care, diagnosing and treating illnesses and injuries as a doctor would.
Nurse Midwife Nurse Midwife an RN who has completed additional specialized education in nurse midwifery. practice the obstetrical and gynecological care of pregnant women, including prenatal care, delivery, and infant care after birth.
Home Health Nurse (HHN) Home Health Nurse (HHN) RNs who provide periodic services to patients at home. may travel to a patient's home from their hospital of employment, or they may work for a home health care facility or outpatient center. care for patients who cannot leave home, and instruct patients' families on healthy living.
Cardiac Nurse— Deals with telemetry.
Labor and Delivery Nurse— deliver babies!
Medical/Surgical Nurse—General surgery patients. Usually abdomens and complicated wounds.
Neurology Nurse— Recovering strokes and brain injuries.
Oncology Nurse— Everything related to cancer patients.
Pediatric Nurse— Patients aged from birth to 21 years
Psychiatric Nurse— work with those who have psychiatric disorders
Emergency Room— A fast paced day filled with a little bit of everything.
Flight Nursing— Transport of sick patients to larger hospitals and traumas.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)— working with very sick patients