Careers Nursing: CNA, LPN, RN, ARNP
Benefits of a Nursing Career Part-time or full-time Nurses are in high demand EVERYWHERE! Good pay Excellent benefits Never bored Travel, maybe Help others, appreciated, feel good about what you do.
What are ADL’s? A ctivities of D aily L iving
What do ADL’s include?
How old will you be in 2020?
I’m a Nurse
CNA Duties: ADL’s Vital Signs Eyes & ears for nurse
LPN / LVN Duties: Routine pt care Admin meds Wound care Assist RN & MD Communicate c pt & family
RN Duties: Perform physical exams and health histories. Promote health, counsel, educate Admin meds, wound care Interpret pt info Make critical decisions Oversee LPN’s & CNA’s
3 careers: Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Midwife, Nurse Practitioner MASTER’S DEGREE!!!! 4-5 yrs for Bach + 2 for Master’s
Nurse Anesthetist -- CRNA
Nurse Anesthetist Duties Admin anesthesia Monitor pt V/S Post-anesthesia recovery
Nurse Midwife
Nurse Midwife Duties Dx & coordinate all aspects of birthing process Well-woman GYN care
Nurse Practitioner, ARNP Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner
ARNP Duties Dx & Tx illness Order, perform, interpret dx tests Rx meds
QUIZ: Nursing Careers Tuesday April 28 Handout (CNA, LPN, RN, ADN, BSN) Notes about Advanced RN Careers (ARNA, CRNM, CRNP)
Review for Nursing Quiz 1-11 are M/C12-20 are T/F
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 1. Which can be earned at a university?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 2. Whose job is centered on helping others with their ADL’s?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 3. Which can be earned in ≈ 11 months?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 4. Which is NOT HIRED at Indian River Medical Center?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 5. In order to become an Advanced Nurse, one must first be this…..
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 6. Of these 4, which CANNOT give medications to patients?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 7. Which can be completed in 6 months or less?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 8. Which 2 CANNOT take care of a patient‘s IV?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 9. Of these 4, which earns the most money per hour?
A. CNA B. LPN C. ADN/RN D. BSN/RN 10. Which can be earned at IRSC in 3 years?
TRUE OR FALSE 12. Nurses in St. Lucie & Brevard counties earn more $ per hour than those in IRC.
TRUE OR FALSE 13. To advance from ASN to a BSN, Stacey will have to complete one year of general education & elective classes.
TRUE OR FALSE 14. More than half of RN’s are hired by hospitals.
TRUE OR FALSE 15. An ARNP can prescribe medications to patients.
TRUE OR FALSE 16. A CRNM is concerned with the reproductive health of men and women over the age of 18.
TRUE OR FALSE 17. Becoming a CRNM, CRNA & ARNP all require the nurse to obtain a Master’s Degree.
TRUE OR FALSE 18. The goal of becoming a Nurse Anesthetist can be reached at IRSC.
TRUE OR FALSE 19. To become a Nurse Practitioner, expect to remain in school until age 30.
TRUE OR FALSE 20. Patients being seen in walk-in clinics are usually cared for by Nurse Practitioners.
QUIZ: Nursing Careers Tuesday April 28 Handout (CNA, LPN, RN, ADN, BSN) Notes about Advanced RN Careers (ARNA, CRNM, CRNP)