By hannah b Jack g Taylor d
Definition -The Great Migration was a movement of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north ’s: The KKK forced many african americans to the north by harsh segregation and economic oppurtunites. The Great Migration
Fredrick Douglas- abolishment Booker T Washington-he was an educator advisor James Groppi-civil rights activist People
“ It occurred to me that no matter where I lived geography could not save me” – Isabel Wilkerson This quote was found in a book. The meaning of this quote was that no where escaped racism. “Migration is everywhere” – Isabel Wilkerson This quote was found in a book. This quote means that racism is not escaped no matter where you migrate to. “I lived northeast while my family was still stuck southwest.” – author unknown Context unknown. This quote shows that migration tore families apart. Quotes
“I was sitting in my house then all of the sudden my family and I were dragged out by a group of white men dressed in white from head to toe.”- author unknown Anecdote
Problem- the African Americans were driven from their homes by unsatisfactory economic opportunities and harsh segregationist Solution- the African Americans all migrated to the north where they could get jobs at and be better respected as a person. Problem and Solution
1876-white supremacy was restored during restoration 1898-boll weevil epidemic 1869-kkk was dissolved but then moved into secreacy 1916-factory wages were 3 times the wage in the south WWI broke out Timeline