Cell Organelles
What’s a Cell Organelle? Humans have organs that do specific, important jobs. Cell Organelles are a lot like Human Organs.
Job: Break down food after you eat it. Organ: Stomach Job: Break down food after you eat it.
Organ: Heart Job: Pump Blood (oxygen) through the body.
Job: Clean blood & remove waste from body (pee). Organ: Kidneys Job: Clean blood & remove waste from body (pee).
What are Cell Organelles? Inside a human, there are organs that do special jobs to keep the human alive. Inside a cell, there are organelles that do special jobs to keep the cell alive.
Cell Organelles Cell Organelle: a structure inside of a cell that does a special job to keep the cell alive.
Nucleus Controls functions of the cell. Holds genetic information.
Nucleus - City Hall The nucleus is responsible for controlling the rest of cell just like a city hall is where the city is governed from.
Chromosomes - Blueprint The chromosomes are the DNA of a cell which is like a blueprint for a building or structure.
Endoplasmic Reticulum - Roads The Endoplasmic Reticulum is like roads in a city, transporting proteins around the cell.
Ribosomes - Make proteins.
Ribosomes - Shops Ribosomes are like small shops in a city. The ribosomes produce proteins like shops produce important things for the city.
Receive proteins, package them & send them to other parts of the cell. Golgi Apparatus Receive proteins, package them & send them to other parts of the cell.
Golgi Apparatus – Post Office The Golgi Appartus is like the post office, packaging & sending proteins to other parts of the cell.
Mitochondria - Powerhouse - Makes energy that fuels the cell.
Mitochondria – Power plant The mitochondria is like a power plant because it produces energy like a power plant does for a city.
Regulates what goes in & out of a cell. Cell Membrane Regulates what goes in & out of a cell.
Cell Membrane - Fence The Cell membrane is like a fence, because it let’s some things in but keeps others out.
Cytoplasm - Grass The cytoplasm is like the grass in a town, all over and surrounding all the parts of a cell/city.
Vacuole Water & garbage storage. * Plants have BIG water vacuoles!
Vacuole – Garbage collector The vacuole is like a garbage collector getting rid of unwanted waste from the cell.
Chloroplast (Only Plants) Site of photosynthesis.
Chloroplast – Solar Collector The Chloroplast (only in plant cells) convert sunlight into usable energy.
Cell Wall (Only Plants) Gives structure to a plant cell.
Cell Wall – City Limits The cell wall (a plant cell) of a cell is like the city limits of a cell giving the cell/city its shape.