Christmas Activity Book By Harold Forward
My dedication I dedicate this book to my family because they are a good family and they are very nice. back forward
Table of contents Dedication page Red activity#2 My family traditions Green activity#1 Christmas around the world 1:Hong Kong Green activity#2 Green activity#3 Purple activity#1 Christmas around the world 2: Japan Purple activity#2 Purple activity#3 Poem#1 Purple activity#4 Poem#2 About the author Poem#3 Poem#4 Red activity #1 back forward
My first family Christmas traditions We put up a tree and decorate it with angle stuff and we always do this when it is December and then we decorate the house with lights and we have food and chocolate my family always go to church and then we go to some peoples houses and give them presents I found out about Santa when they were all in the mall and then I was board and got angry. my family traditions don’t really mean that much. Table Of Content back forward
Christmas around the world Hong Kong How they celebrate They celebrate by sending Christmas cards. Many of the cards are beautiful decorated to show artistic side of the people who might be gifted. These cards consist of the holy family in a Chinese setting. Table of contents back forward
Christmas around the world Hong Kong Santa in Hong Kong There Santa has a different name the name of there Santa is lan khoong or dun che lao ren. forward back Table of contents
Christmas around Hong Kong In Hong Kong they celebrate with hundreds of church service in Chinese there are also services held in English and Europe. Table of contents back forward
Christmas around Japan Santa in Japan. There Santa is suppose to be called Hotei-osho who is like Santa Clause to be a Buddhist. He brings presents to each house and leaves them for the children. Table of contents back Forward
Christmas around Japan How they prepare. They don’t really prepare. They do not have turkey or plum. they rather go and spend the time visiting people in the hospital. Table of contents Forward back
Christmas around Japan The people decorate there stores and homes with ever greens and lights. they put nature inside instead of outside in the cold. Table of contents forward back
Back Table of Contents Forward Poem S A N T Now on ground Lot of presents under tree orth pole Rees inside houses Lot of snow Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Poem c hristmas andy cane olidays eindeer cicles now ons of presents aking ginger bread house lot of food eldding Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward haiku Santa in the air flying in the foggy night. Santa on a slay. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Cuinquin Santa Red jolly Riding flying giving Going to peoples houses bringing present Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Red activity 1 If someone is alone I would talk to them so they won’t be alone If someone is ill I would comfort them. If someone is lonely I would tell them to look on the bright side. If they are in the hospital I would comfort them. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Red activity 2 The kind of bells are there are Christmas bells, and church bells. The uses of a bell are in church the bell will ring so people can hear and come there, bells can be for Christmas decorations, and maybe for caroling, and bells can be use to call people and ring them. A carillon is like a song. The bells are made by painting and silver. The largest bell is in the church. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Green activity #1 Holidays Adult list laptop, Iphone, Flat screen TV, and a computer. Kids list Wii, DS, DS game, Wii game, Wii and DS card, Lego set, dollset, car set. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Green activity #2 food Christmas festivities foods are pie, cake, chicken, bread, and tea. They are traditional because people can celebrate with the food by making a party and eating all of the food and people can cook them for Christmas and it is hard to cook them which will make them special. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Green activity #3 windows Stain glass windows and Christmas windows are related because they are both glass and they both can have the same colors they are both not see thru and they both can have decorations on them. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward colors yellow ellow decoration Nough snow ot of present ot of lights n snow hite Christmas Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward Christmas survey My parents Christmas change by snow and different places to decorate in the house and a new Christmas tree and new food. my grandparents Christmas change by new decorations. my Christmas change by a new Christmas tree. When my parents were kids their Christmas is not really celebrating then when they are grown up there Christmas change by decorations and food and a Christmas tree. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward The ideal Christmas My family should go to the mall. We would eat at the food court. We would go to a store in the mall. My family would buy Christmas food, Christmas decorations for a tree, Christmas lights, wrapping paper, and gifts. Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward snow Kids list for snow activity's making a snow man, making snow angles, eating snow, and eating snow flakes. Adults list for snow activity’s Snow ball fight, making a snow fort, making an igloo, sledding, making A big Snow man, sledding nowy hill ot of fun njoying angerous aring n snow ot bad ood Back Table of Contents Forward
Back Table of Contents Forward About the author About the author The author who made this is Harold Trias. The author was born in1999 in Canada. The school Harold went to is Millside Rochester elementary and is now in Maillard middle school. the author likes technology like video game and TV’s. Back Table of Contents Forward