PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY All partner organisations are aware that to produce a high quality and sustainable product an efficient project management is absolutely essential and more so for its implementation to deliver the most appropriate skills needed by the tourism and catering industry. The project co-ordinator has an extensive experience in the tourism and catering industry and in education / training for more than 45 years, most importantly in project management. UK GLLM (Partner 1) is very much aware of the importance of WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5. Therefore it is focussing on these work packages.
Main tasks of UK GLLM (Partner 1): Development of the partner contract according to the tasks / budget foreseen in the application. Communication: , Skype, meetings and continuous project management – time, process and conflict management. Planning, implementation and reporting of the 4 transnational network meetings and 1 conference including agenda and minutes. Active monitoring of the project process including a close co-operation with an external evaluator. Preparation of interim and final report. Presentation and representation of the network. Close contact and pro-active co-operation with the European Commission / EACEA
All partners will support UK GLLM (Partner 1) in these management activities at all levels. The frameworks, instruments and procedures will be presented and discussed at the first meeting and revised continuously. The process approach will be of a external evaluator. The main element of the project management concept is a strong reliable partner relationship based on the principles of trust, transparency, equality and with high potential for long lasting sustainability. Partnership and management concept will ensure that the whole project runs smoothly.
NETWORK SUSTAINABILITY Network sustainability has been highlighted in the description of WP8 and the process which will be followed to ensure that the sustainability of SSA-TC project will be carried on well beyond the end of project is also fully explained.
PROGRESS REPORTS According to the regulations of the project, the project group will deliver two progress reports: 1.Interim report by mid January Final report by mid January 2015 These reports will document all project activities, developments, products / outcomes and expenses. All partners will contribute to these reports according to their responsibility and tasks. UK GLLM (Partner 1), the project co-ordinator will be overall responsible for the finalisation of the report and submitting it to European Commission. The interim and final report will be produced in English and according to deadlines and frameworks as communicated by the European Commission.
QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND ASSURANCE The quality management concept of the SSA-TC project is based on the following key areas: Perspectives: Ex-ante – Formative – Ex-pose Levels: Process – Product – Impact Experts: Internal Experts – Associated Experts – External Experts Methods: Observation – Research – Written and Oral Questioning – Expert Talks – Feedback Reports – Talks – Variance Analysis According to the need and appropriateness the above mentioned components will be combined and implemented. However, the following main activities are planned:
EVALUATION AT PROCESS LEVEL Definition of process aims and identification of critical success factors for the process control. Six monthly progress report from each partner institution. Introduction of peer evaluation system. External process evaluation by sub-contracted expert.
EVALUATION OF PRODUCT Definition of critical success factors. Development of main products in peer and small groups. Permanent feedback loops within internal and external experts during the development phases. Evaluation of products and pilot implementation by sub-contracted expert.
EVALUATION OF IMPACT Definition of critical success factors for the impact. Analysis of feedback in relation to work packages on the pilot and testing of NEW qualification and distribution of SSA-TC strategy paper. Analysis of dissemination and implementation activities. External impact evaluation by sub-contracted expert
PROGRESS REPORTS Each partner organisation will provide the project co- ordinator every six months of the project duration with a report highlighting critical success factors communicated during the initial meeting. The main component of this report will be project management, product development, dissemination, implementation and financial reporting. In line with the progress, the project co-ordinator in conjunction with all the project partners will determine steering measures to ensure the successful development of the project.
PEER GROUP EVALUATION The partners will be divided into peer groups at the initial meeting and these groups will evaluate the projects progress and product development at each project meeting. The aim will be to ensure that each peer group consists of at least one member from Initial and Continuous VET provider and one member from sector specific expertise. The over-arching member will be from bodies involved in Initial and Continuous VET system. There will be 4 peer group evaluation reports produced in which the project co- ordinator received the feedback concerning the quality of product being developed.
EXTERNAL EVALUATION REPORT The external expert in EU project management will evaluate on the basis of his / her own investigation and judgement. There will be conclusions drawn from internal evaluation documents. The main focus will be on the project process, product and impact levels in 2 evaluation reports including recommendations for changes and further developments. (Each report will be approximately 8 pages).
PILOT EVALUATION The pilot activities are of great importance to the success of this project. In light of this, the external evaluator will produce a special evaluation report for the pilots. The main focus will be on the following areas - Appropriateness of level (EQF level 4), the learning contents and the assessment strategy, the pedagogy strategy, technical implementation, user- friendliness and finally, meeting the future skill needs of tourism and catering industry (the whole raison d’être of SSA-TC project).