War Tests the Greeks
The Greeks fought several wars between 500 and 400 B.C.
Why did the Persians Invade Greece????? Battle of Marathon Persia King Darius Pheidippides Persian Fleet Herodotus ch?v=wPinrH- akvc&list=PLF1FD53B4B1A0 3C42&index=1
Battle at Thermopylae Xerxes Spartans Thermopylae Sacrificed ube.com/watch?v =FViLPhmWeLY &index=4&list=P LF1FD53B4B1A 03C42 ube.com/watch?v =FViLPhmWeLY &index=4&list=P LF1FD53B4B1A 03C42
Salamis Salamis Maneuver Great Sea Battle Wooden Wall m/watch?list=PLF1FD53 B4B1A03C42&v=nENU mbdsAPw
Peloponnesian War City-states Military alliance Sparta and Athens 27 years Who won??? utube.com/wat ch?v=UZzyuw _lBTM
Conclusions…. Pheidippides ran 150 miles in two days to ask the Spartans for help ~ he is remembered every year at the Olympics. The Athenians defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. 300 Spartans gave up their lives at Thermopylae to protect others. The Athenians defeated the Persians at Salamis because the Persians could not maneuver their large ships. The Spartans won the Peloponnesian War.