Youth To Youth Ministry Salesian Style An invitation A vocation A proclamation
Youth To Youth Ministry Salesian Style An invitation... To give of yourself and your gifts To share yourself with other young people To form community with other young people To serve others To have fun!
Youth To Youth Ministry Salesian Style A vocation... A call to be the best you can be A call to bring love A call to image Jesus for other young people A call to work with others and show how you love one another
Youth To Youth Ministry Salesian Style A proclamation... ...that they may have life to the full ...that I can give something of my self freely for others ...that God is good news and good fun!
Salesian style… We call it Salesian Youth Ministry. It is the way that St. John Bosco reached out to young people. He began his ministry to young street kids in 1841 in Turin, Italy. His approach encourages those with a big heart to reach out to young people with loving kind- ness as Jesus did. We call it Salesian Youth Ministry. It is the way that St. John Bosco reached out to young people. He began his ministry to young street kids in 1841 in Turin, Italy. His approach encourages those with a big heart to reach out to young people with loving kind- ness as Jesus did. is a particular way of doing youth ministry.
Salesian Youth Ministry Is Done With A Salesian Heart A heart that beats for the young...
A Salesian Heart A healthy heart... A healthy heart... = 32 laughs + 9 hugs a day
Home Home School School Church Church Playground Playground A Salesian Heart A Salesian Heart Creates FOUR experiences... Creates FOUR experiences...
HomeHome A Salesian Heart The experience of belonging... The experience of belonging... Feeling at home in myselfFeeling at home in myself Helping people feel welcomed and acceptedHelping people feel welcomed and accepted Creating a place of safety and peaceCreating a place of safety and peace
SchoolSchool A Salesian Heart The experience of learning... The experience of learning... The lessons of life and living The lessons of life and living By being reflective By being reflective Capable of living deeply Capable of living deeply
ChurchChurch A Salesian Heart The experience of finding meaning... The experience of finding meaning... Who am I?Who am I? What is my life for?What is my life for? Who is Jesus for me?Who is Jesus for me?
PlaygroundPlayground A Salesian Heart The experience of fun, joy, optimism... The experience of fun, joy, optimism... Bring JOY Bring JOY Have FUNHave FUN Make things happenMake things happen Be upbeatBe upbeat
We cannot do this alone... We cannot do this alone...
We are in this together... We are in this together...
A Home: A Home: for belonging... A Home: A Home: for belonging... A School: for learning... A School: for learning... What we need to create for all young people is… A Playground: for fun… A Playground: for fun… A Church: for praying... A Church: for praying... Salesian Youth Ministry