1 11 MSU Extension Estate Planning Publications
2 22 Main Author: Marsha A. Goetting Ph.D., CFP ®, CFCS Professor & Extension Family Economics Specialist Department of Agricultural Economics & Economics
3 Website estateplanning/eppu blications.html Print out FREE
4 4 Available FREE: From local county Extension offices
5 5 Order from: store.msuextension. org… but there is a charge for postage
6 Accessing a Deceased Person’s Financial Accounts MT200301HR Describes how heirs can access deceased person’s financial accounts
7 77 Annuities MT199213HR Provides information about annuities Outlines how to shop for an annuity
8 88 Beneficiary Deeds in Montana MT200707HR Explains how Beneficiary Deeds allow owners of real property to: Transfer their Montana property to one or more beneficiaries without probate
9 99 Using a Bypass Trust to Provide for Children from Remarried, Step, and Blended Families MT201407HR Explores: Important issues for Montana families (remarried, step, and blended) about the varying challenges to the estate planning process.
10 Montana Common Law Marriage & Estate Planning MT201408HR Explores: Montana common law marriage from an estate planning perceptive
11 Cremation MT200201HR Explores: Personal & family concerns State & Federal regulations Costs
12 Designating Beneficiaries Through Contractual Arrangements MT199901HR Learn about transferring your assets through contractual arrangements: Insurance policies IRAs Employee benefit plans Payable on death accounts (POD) Transfer on death accounts (TOD)
13 Dying Without a Will in Montana: Who Receives Your Property MT198908HR Provides legal terms & detailed examples of possible scenarios for distribution of property if a person dies without writing a will
14 Dying Without a Will in Montana: Interactive Web site Web site illustrates how your property will be distributed under Montana law if you are a Montana resident and if you pass away without a written will (as do 7 out of 10 Americans)
15 Estate Planning for Families with Minor &/or Special Needs Children MT199117HR Explains how to provide for children's physical & financial care in case of parents' death
16 Estate Planning: Getting Started MT199508HR Explains how & why to arrange for the future use & distribution of your property
17 Estate Planning Tools for Owners of Pets & Companion Animals or Service Animals MT201405HR Outlines legal options for owners who plan to name a caregiver for their pets.
18 Federal Estate Tax MT199104HR Analyzes how federal tax laws affect individual estates
19 Gifting: A Property Transfer Tool Estate Planning MT199105HR Explains how to use: Gifts of real & personal property to reduce income taxes & eventually estate taxes
20 Glossary of Estate Planning Terms MT200202HR Provides definitions of some of the estate planning terms used in MSU Extension Estate Planning MontGuides
21 Letter of Last Instructions MT198904HR Explains what should be included in a letter of last instructions to assist survivors after the death of the writer
22 Life Estate: A Useful Estate Planning Tool MT200510HR Explains how to leave a life estate to someone for use during his/her lifetime with estate passing on to the remainderman after the death of the life tenant
23 Life Insurance: An Estate Planning Tool MT199211HR Explains uses of life insurance as a part of a family's estate plan
24 Long-Term Care Partnership Insurance in Montana MT201202HR Provides basic information about the Montana long-term care partnership insurance program, tax benefits, and shopping tips
25 Medicaid & Long-Term Care Costs MT199511HR Outlines the legal & tax ramifications Explores impacts on emotional & physical health of financing long-term care
26 Montana’s End-of-Life Registry MT200602HR Answers commonly asked questions about the Montana End-of-Life Registry
27 Montana Rights of Terminally Ill Act MT199202HR Describes how a person can choose to terminate his/her medical treatment, if they have an incurable or irreversible condition
28 Describes how a parent or other adults can make gifts of assets to children: Bequests with a will Distributions from a trust Gifts while living Montana Uniform Transfers to Minors Act ( UTMA) Custodial Accounts for Children Under Age 21 MT199910HR
29 Nonprobate Transfers MT199509HR Describes the various forms of ownership that allow the deceased's property to bypass probate & transfer directly to beneficiaries
30 Personal Representatives MT199008HR Explains responsibilities of a personal representative when settling an estate
31 Power of Attorney MT199001HR Explains how to give another person authority to make financial decisions for you
32 Probate in Montana MT199006HR Provides guidelines & costs for the process of settling an estate in Montana
33 Property Ownership MT198907HR Describes the three main forms of property ownership: Solely-owned Joint tenancy with right of survivorship Tenancy in common
34 Provider Orders for Life- Sustaining Treatment MT199008HR Form that gives you control over your medical treatments near the end-of-life. Recognized as an actual medical order
35 Revocable Living Trusts MT199612HR Explains: Benefits & shortfalls Costs & tax consequences of living trusts
36 Selecting an Organizational Structure for Your Business MT199708HR Describes the various types of business structure: Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation (S&C) Limited liability company (LLC)
37 Settling an Estate: What Do I Need to Know MT201004HR Assists survivors start the process of settling an estate & ease the burden following the death of a loved one
38 Transferring Your Farm or Ranch to Next Generation EB 149 Provides ideas about starting a conversation with family members who are reluctant to discuss estate planning
39 What Are Your Rights Over Your Remains? MT200918HR Describes the Montana Right of Disposition Act that allows a person to provide instructions for disposing of his or her remains
40 Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate? MT199701HR Explains how to deal with some of the issues that may arise with the transfer of non-titled property
41 Wills MT198906HR Outlines why & how to construct a will including: Costs Restrictions Changes after its completion
42 Estate Planning: The Basics Packets EB 144 COST $10.00 19 Estate Planning guides Free Additional guides can be ordered Name will be added to a mailing list to receive update when there are state & federal law changes
43 Family Economics Website extensionecon/family economics.html