Matthew Granstaff Biology ; consentration in wildlife Biology ; consentration in wildlife Tennesssee Tech, Cookeville, TN
Major Concentriation I have always had a great interest in the outdoors and everything to do with them. This is why I chose the wildlife concentration. Ever since I was a little boy I knew that I wanted to be able to be outdoors in some field or another as long as it was outdoors then I was going to be happy with the career that I had chosen. The only problem now is that I don’t have one primary interest. I was sort of hung up on which field or concentration to go with but after taking a couple of classes I realized that the wildlife concentration would prepare me better for my career goals.
Interest in Biology Professional Organizations/Clubs I have the most interest in the Wildlife Society and the Student Fishery Association. Both have a lot to do with what I am interested in and I would like to join both. Like Dr. Morgan said any of these groups would be great for someone to join because you would have a way to get your foot in the door. Both give great field time Gives you a way to really get the hang of what you want to do. Allows you to work with your peers and more than likely co workers
Interships an/or Cooperative Great Smoky Mountains National Park As the leaves start to reappear on the trees, you''ll head to Tennessee to serve within the largest expanse of wilderness in the Southeast, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Black bears and European wild hogs are just two of the species you''ll learn about as an intern here. Responsibilities include: assist with the European wild hog eradication program 40%; assist with the black bear management program 40%; animal population surveys 20%. Training/Educational opportunities: firearms and range qualifications; basic first aid/CPR; opportunities to assist with research projects on black bears and elk. Require: valid driver''s license; ability to handle animals (farm or zoo experience etc.); ability to carry and work with heavy equipment (up to 100 pounds) on steep terrain; ability to use firearms; ability to hike in mountainous terrain. Desire: Academic background in wildlife or related disciplines; outdoor skills in hunting and/or trapping. Federal Agency: National Parks Service Southeast, Tennessee From April-June 16 week time period
Interships an/or Cooperative Great Smoky Mountains National Park Non-native species range in size from small insects and plants to large mammals. The European wild hog is one of those species. This internship site has an extensive wild hog eradication program of which you''ll take part. As the leaves begin to fall, you''ll head to Tennessee to serve within the largest expanse of wilderness in the Southeast, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Responsibilities include: assist with the Parks European wild hog eradication program 90%; animal population surveys 10%. Training/Educational opportunities: firearms and range qualification; USDI Motorboat operator certification; basic first aid/CPR. Opportunities to assist with research projects on black bears and elk. Require:valid driver''s license; ability to handle animals (farm or zoo experience etc.); ability to carry and work with heavy equipment (up to 100 pounds)on steep terrain; ability to use firearms; ability to hike in mountainous terrain. Desire: academic background in wildlife or related disciplines; outdoor skills in hunting and/or trapping. Organization: Feberal Agency: National Parks Service From October to December 16 week time period
Interships an/or Cooperative Mammoth Cave National Park Home to the worlds longest cave with over 365 miles of explored passages, Kentucky''s Mammoth Cave National Park also contains over 53,000 acres of forested classsic karst terrain with sinkholes, springs and sinking streams. The park contains a very high diversity of plant and animal life and a cultural history dating back thousands of years. Responsibilities include: assist with American chestnut and elm planting and collect data, 25%; assist with exotic plant eradication, 25%; assist with river otter surveys on the Green River, 10%; assist with salamander and herp surveys, 5%; assist with butternut tree surveys, 20%; assist with lesser cave surveys, 5%; data entry, 10%. Training/Educational opportunities: on-the-job, GPS/GIS use, topographic map reading and orientation; first aid/CPR (possible). Require: valid driver''s license; knowledge of basic hand tool use and maintenance; knowledge at basic level of biological procedures as related to problem-solving in natural resource management in order to properly assist with surveys, inventory/monitoring and data collection/analysis; knowledge of computers; ability to work with minimal supervision in steep forested terrain. Desire: BA/BS degree in (or working on) one of the natural and/or physical sciences; knowledge of topographic map reading and use of a compass for backcountry orienting; enjoyment of the outdoors. January-March 16 weeks or shorter
Resume Objective: An internship in a wildlife concentration that would allow me to develop needed skills and experience, while contributing to the goals of the organization. Work experience: Granstaff’s Plumbing and ElectricLebanon, TN Work Hand Worked on plumbing and wiring of new houses Wal-Mart Tire and Lube Service Lebanon, TN Tire and Lube Technician ∙ Work in the Tire and Lube section of Wal-Mart. Work both in side as a sales associate and outside in the shop as a technician. Hobbies : Hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, football, and canoeing
Code of Ethics Code of Ethics Associate and Certified Wildlife Biologists have a responsibility for contributing to an understanding of mankind's proper relationship with natural resources, and in particular for determining the role of wildlife in satisfying human needs. Certified individuals will strive to meet this obligation through the following professional goals: They will subscribe to the highest standards of integrity and conduct. They will recognize research and scientific management of wildlife and their environments as primary goals. They will disseminate information to promote understanding of, and appreciation for, values of wildlife and their habitats. They will strive to increase knowledge and skills to advance the practice of wildlife management. They will promote competence in the field of wildlife management by supporting high standards of education, employment, and performance. They will encourage the use of sound biological information in management decisions. They will support fair and uniform standards of employment and treatment of those professionally engaged in the Practice of wildlife management.