Wake-up 1.Explain the difference between one and two way digestion. 1.What is an example of an animal in the phylum Porifera? THINK about what it sounds like.
Porifera and Cnidarians
Invertebrates Do not have a backbone/ vertebrate
Phylum Porifera - Sponges
Characteristics: Simplest group of animals
Characteristics: They are sessile, which means that they do not move around; attached
Skeletal system: Spicules; small glass like fragments that provide support
CharacteristicsCharacteristics: Lack tissue; have individual cells that each perform a specific function
FeedingFeeding: Absorb food through membrane or trap within mucus and then absorb
Sponge Feeding Video
Respiratory system: Diffusion; Sponges absorb oxygen and food from their surroundings
Circulatory system: Diffusion; Sponges move oxygen and food from their surroundings through their “body”
Reproductive: Budding (Asexual); a new sponge grows from the original
Reproductive: Fragmentation (Asexual); A piece breaks off of a sponge and then grows into a new organism
Reproductive: Hermaphrodite with Internal Fertilization; Both sexes present; Release sperm to fuse with egg
Sponge Harvesting
Wake-up 1.Why are Porifera in the Animal Kingdom? 2.How do sponges consume food?
Phylum Cnidaria
Characteristics: All have tentacles
Two Basic Body Shapes 1. Medusa: Tentacles pointing downward
Two Basic Body Shapes 2. Polyp: Tentacles pointing upward; often sessile.
NematocystsNematocysts: Structures on tentacles that are used to get prey; like a Harpoon gun
Skeletal system: Hydrostatic (Water “skeleton”)
Digestive system: Two Way Food moves into the mouth into the gastrovascular cavity to be digested and then back out the mouth
Respiratory system: Diffusion Oxygen is absorbed from surrounding environment
Nervous system: Nerve Net Network of nerves throughout body; respond to stimuli
Reproductive system: Budding Offspring develop from parent; identical copy
Reproductive system: External Fertilization
Example: Sea Anemone
Example: Jellyfish
Life: Creatures of Deep 12:30
Planet Earth: Shallow Seas 5:10