Inventors Zaphora Clark-Garcia
Content area: Social Studies Grade level : 3 rd Grade Summary : Students will learn the about three important figure of the Revolutionary War. Learning Objective: Given questions the students will demonstrate their knowledge about key figures in the revolutionary war time with 100% accuracy Standard: Use timelines and historical passages to summarize the history of a region, including events, inventions/inventors, artists, writers, and political figures. (C, G, H, P, TN) Suggestions are as follows: Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Daniel Boone, Nancy Ward, Thomas Jefferson, Betsy Ross, Noah Webster, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Harriett Tubman, Geronimo, George Washington Carver, Georgia O’Keefe, Amelia Earhart, E.B. White, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Dian Fossey, and Barack Obama.
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of America. He worked at a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette to help keep the colonials informed on the progress of the Revolutionary War. He had many inventions like the lightning rod and bifocals. He was the governor of Pennsylvania from His picture is on the one hundred dollar bills.
Thomas Jefferson He was also a founding father of the United States. He was the first Secretary of State. He help edit the Declaration of Independence. He was the second vice-president and eventually became the third president of the United States of America. He also helped expand the Untied States with the Louisiana Purchase. He is found on the ten dollar bills and the nickel.
George Washington George Washington was a general in the Revolutionary War. He fought for the United States of America. He was a man of the people and for the people. After the war was won and the constitution written, the people wanted him to become their new king. However, Washington refused because he did not believe a monarchy. The people still nominated him and he was elected as the first president of the United States. His picture is also on the one dollar bill and the quarter.
Who was a great General in the Revolutionary War? Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson George Washington George Washington John Hancock John Hancock
Correct Yay!!! You got it right !!! George Washington was one the great generals of the Revolutionary War.
How did Thomas Jefferson help expand the United States of America? Through the Louisiana Purchase Through the Louisiana Purchase Through treaties with the Native Americans Through treaties with the Native Americans Through treaties with the French Through treaties with the French Through the Illinois Purchase Through the Illinois Purchase
Correct!!!! Yay!!!! Great Job!!!
What did Benjamin Franklin Invent? The light bulb The light bulb The lightning rod The lightning rod Sunglasses Cotton Gin Cotton Gin
Correct!! Great Job !!!!! You are awesome!!!
Summary During the revolutionary war there were many great leaders. We only focused on three very important people and the ways they helped the United States evolve. Benjamin Franklin devoted his time to his inventions and keeping the U.S colonies knowledgeable about the Revolutionary War. George Washington was a general in the war and became the first president. Thomas Jefferson was crucial to the Writing of the Declaration of the Independence.
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