Copy the daily activities in your agenda.
DayDateWhat must be accomplished Monday1/5Ocean Vocabulary Flipbook Planet Earth Shallow Seas Tuesday1/6Ocean Vocabulary Flipbook cont. Planet Earth Shallow Seas Wednesday 1/7Project Introduction Oceans Powerpoint – copy details Plan project Thursday 1/8 Research – Text book workday CH. 4 section 3 & 4 CH. 5 section 1 & 2 (worksheet) CH. 5 section 3 & 4 Friday1/9Ocean Project Workday – Chromebooks
DayDateWhat must be accomplished Monday 1/12Media Center Workday (McAven) Tuesday 1/13 Complete bookwork Research Study Guide Wednesday1/14Complete bookwork Research Study Guide Thursday 1/15Ocean Test (± Deep Oceans) Project Workday Friday 1/16Project Workday - Chromebooks Thursday1/22Project Workday - Chromebooks Friday1/23Project Due Blackfish
DayDateWhat must be accomplished Monday 1/19No School – plan for finishing project Tuesday 1/20 No School - plan for finishing project Wednesday1/21No School - plan for finishing project Thursday 1/22Last Project Workday (Chromebooks) Friday 1/23Ocean Project Due (beginning of class)
Use the worksheet provided to fill in the details of each section.
Task: Complete one activity for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (for a total of six activities). Each task has a top score of 5, 4, or 3. Your goal is to achieve 24 points for the project. Make wise choices to attain 24 total points (100%). You will be given three days with chrome books, one media center day and two additional class days to work on your project. More time may need to be spent at home to successfully complete this project. NC Essential Standard: 8.E.1.2: Summarize evidence that Earth’s oceans are a reservoir of nutrients, minerals, dissolved gases and life forms. Background: We will be wrapping up the hydrosphere unit by studying the complex world of Earth’s oceans. We will be discussing the contents of the ocean, ocean chemistry, marine ecosystems, animals and the technology used to study the ocean. Specific Skills: Choose a task that meets your skills. Each task level has an activity that involves writing, drawing, creating a product, or analyzing data. Procedures: Copy down the choice details carefully and follow the project outline. Choose one activity from each level for a total of six activities and a total of 24 points or more. Each section must be hand drawn or written with proper MLA source siting. The quality of your work is crucial! Project Due Date: Friday January 23 rd
Score Sheet for Oceans Project Your ScoreCategoryPossible Points (for the category) ________ pointsKnowledge ________ ________ points Comprehension________ ________ points Application________ ________ points Analysis________ ________ points Synthesis________ ________ points Evaluation________ ________ Total Points Earned________ Total Possible Points
Knowledge Knowledge 4Knowledge 5Knowledge 3 Identify ocean animals that provide food for humans. Create a collage of these animals (colorful collection of pictures of ocean animals that we eat – artistic presentation). Identify the 10 government agencies that help to protect our oceans. List them and what their job is in relation to the oceans. Choose your favorite agency listed and create a 500 word job description. Label a world map with the major oceans of the world and the continents.
Knowledge Knowledge 4 Identify ocean life that provides food for humans. Create a collage of these life forms (colorful collection of pictures of ocean life that we eat – artistic presentation). -Make sure humans eat the life forms. -Pictures/Words should completely cover a standard sheet of printer paper. -At least 10 life forms -Must be neat and include color.
Knowledge Knowledge 5 Identify the 10 government agencies that help to protect our oceans. List them and what their job is in relation to the oceans. Choose your favorite agency listed and create a 500 word job description. -US government agencies. -How do they aid in ocean protection? -Job descriptions explain what an individual would do if they worked for that agency. -Use MLA to site your sources.
Knowledge Knowledge 3 Label a world map with the major oceans of the world and the continents. -The map may be traced, but must be hand drawn. -Make sure you include all of the oceans and continents. -Quality (spelling, neatness, accuracy, final copy) and color -Use MLA to site your sources.
Comprehension Comprehension 5Comprehension 3Comprehension 4 In your own words, describe what you would see on a trip from the surface of the ocean to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Use 500 descriptive words or more. Illustrate an inter- tidal zone in color. Include the ocean, the shore, the sand, and evidence of sea life (>10 plants and animals) Group ocean animals based on their classification as plankton, nekton, or benthos. Create a description for each classification. Each group should have at least 7 animals listed and drawn. Pictures must be colored.
Comprehension Comprehension 5 In your own words, describe what you would see on a trip from the surface of the ocean to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Use 500 descriptive words or more. -Use descriptive words to explain how the life forms and surroundings would change as you travel further down. -Research to include the correct animals and depths. -Use MLA to site your sources.
Comprehension Comprehension 3 Illustrate an inter- tidal zone in color. Include the ocean, the shore, the sand, and evidence of sea life (>10 plants and animals) -Your final product must be hand drawn, colorful and neat. -More than ten ocean life forms -Research to include the correct animals and features. -Use MLA to site your source(s).
Comprehension Comprehension 4 Group ocean animals based on their classification as plankton, nekton, or benthos. Create a description for each classification. Each group should have at least 7 animals listed and drawn. Pictures must be colored. -7 or more animals per category -Neat colored drawing and animal names -Research to include the correct descriptions, animals, and classifications. -Use MLA to site your sources.
Application Application 3Application 5Application 4 Create a circle graph that represents the salinity of the ocean. Color code the circle graph. The circle graph must demonstrate the percentages of different salts found in ocean water. Interview a person whose career is connected with our oceans. Consider a fisherman, marine biologists, naval officer, surf board designer or someone of your choice. Must include contact information and career artifact. 800 words Predict what will happen to marine life if we continue to pollute the oceans and include at least 10 water vocabulary terms. 500 words.
Application Application 3 Create a circle graph that represents the salinity of the ocean. Color code the circle graph. The circle graph must demonstrate the percentages of different salts found in ocean water. -You are looking at all ocean water in general – NOT individual oceans -Neatly hand drawn with color and labels -Research and use MLA to site your sources.
Application Application 5 Interview a person whose career is connected with our oceans. Consider a fisherman, marine biologists, naval officer, surf board designer or someone of your choice. Must include contact information and career artifact. 800 words -The interview may be in person, by phone, or . -Must be a real person and it must be their career (NOT a hobby) -Contact information = full name, phone #/ /address -Artifacts = business card, pamphlet, booklet, etc.
Application Application 4 Predict what will happen to marine life if we continue to pollute the oceans and include at least 10 water vocabulary terms. 500 words. -Highlight the ten vocab. terms (any vocabulary from the water unit) -Research to include the accurate facts, predictions and animal descriptions. -Use MLA to site your sources.
Analysis Analysis 4Analysis 5Analysis 3 Create a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts coral reefs and deep ocean vents. 4 bullets per each section of the diagram. Describe the different species of plant and animal that live around coral reefs and ocean vents. Sharks are among the most feared creatures on the Earth. Find out why they should and should not be feared. Write a persuasive essay including at least 5 sited facts. 800 words Create a one month calendar representing moon phases and tide times for each day. The month chosen must be your birth month in 2015.
Analysis Analysis 4 Create a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts coral reefs and deep ocean vents. 4 bullets per each section of the diagram. Describe the different species of plant and animal that live around coral reefs and ocean vents. -Twelve total bulleted facts -Research to include the accurate facts and animal descriptions. -Use MLA to site your sources. -Keep it neat and free of mistakes
Analysis Analysis 5 Sharks are among the most feared creatures on the Earth. Find out why they should and should not be feared. Write a persuasive essay including at least 5 sited facts. 800 words -Research to include only accurate facts. -Use MLA to site your sources. -A persuasive essay should include both sides of the argument and your final thoughts/opinion.
Analysis Analysis 3 Create a one month calendar representing moon phases and tide times for each day (off the NC coast). The month chosen must be your birth month in Neatly hand drawn and labeled. -Include the month, moon phase drawings, 2 low tide and 2 high tide times for each day -Use MLA to site your source.
Synthesis Synthesis 5Synthesis 4Synthesis 3 Research an event or article about being lost at sea. Create a short story about being lost at sea. Make sure to include how you survive, the conditions you encounter, and describe any sea creatures you come across. Must be realistic. Be creative. At least 2 pages. Article must be attached to your story. Design a large picture postcard. Write to a friend describing a vacation to an island in another country. Identify location and tell of the animals found there. Include all parts of a postcard. Draw a diagram of the surface ocean currents both warm and cold currents for the entire earth and label and name the currents. Picture must be in color and on a large sheet of paper.
Synthesis Synthesis 5 Research an event or article about being lost at sea. Create a short story about being lost at sea. Make sure to include how you survive, the conditions you encounter, and describe any sea creatures you come across. Must be realistic. Be creative. At least 2 pages. Article must be attached to your story. -Use the article/story to gain ideas – don’t restate the story -Quality (neat, spelling, creative & realistic) -Use MLA to site your source(s) and attach a copy of the inspiring article
Synthesis Synthesis 4 Design a large picture postcard. Write to a friend describing a vacation to an island in another country. Identify location and tell of the animals found there. Include all parts of a postcard. -Neatly hand drawn and colored. -Use a full sheet of printer paper. -Not a US island -You may have to research the island habitats and wildlife
Synthesis Synthesis 3 Draw a diagram of the surface ocean currents both warm and cold currents for the entire earth and label and name the currents. Picture must be in color and on a large sheet of paper. -Neatly hand drawn and labeled. -Color cold currents blue and warm currents red. -Name each current -Use MLA to site your source.
Evaluation Evaluation 4Evaluation 3Evaluation 5 Barrier islands are fragile and vulnerable to the storms that hit NC. Should NC help homeowners on barrier islands to rebuild after storms like Hurricane Isabel? Defend your position in a short essay, 500 words. Top 10 list time. Rank the 10 most important reasons why we need to protect our oceans. Be sure to explain each reason. Why should we give oceans so much attention? 250 words You are part of a volunteer program that is responsible for cleaning the world’s most polluted beaches. In a short essay state your location and the conditions of the beach. Describe the types of pollution, negative effects, and solutions. 500 words.
Evaluation Evaluation 4 Barrier islands are fragile and vulnerable to the storms that hit NC. Should NC help homeowners on barrier islands to rebuild after storms like Hurricane Isabel? Defend your position in a short essay, 500 words. -Defend your position with facts. -Use MLA to site your source(s)
Evaluation Evaluation 3 Top 10 list time. Rank the 10 most important reasons why we need to protect our oceans. Be sure to explain each reason. Why should we give oceans so much attention? 250 words -Each reason should be a complete sentence (or more). -Place the reasons in order (#1 is the most important) -Use MLA to site your source(s) -End paragraph should describe why our oceans are so important
Evaluation Evaluation 5 You are part of a volunteer program that is responsible for cleaning the world’s most polluted beaches. In a short essay state your location and the conditions of the beach. Describe the types of pollution, negative effects, and solutions. 500 words. -Research the world’s most polluted beaches and choose one to describe in your explanation. -Be creative, but also include facts to back up your overall story. -Use MLA to site your source.
Quality Everything will be hand written in your own words. Computers will only be used for research. Be ready to proof read and check spelling. Printed pictures and/or text are not allowed. All of your sources must be sited in MLA. Take your time to create a quality final product. Use your class time wisely. Plan ahead, so you can use each work day to its full potential. The more you accomplish in class the less homework you will have.
Where to start?... Use the following sections to get started on your research.
Chapter 4 Ocean Research Chapter 4 Section 2 Read pgs Outline Chapter 4 Section 3 Read pgs Outline Chapter 4 Section 4 Read pgs. 162 – 167 Outline Chapter 5 Ocean Research Chapter 5 Section 1 Read pgs. 176 – 184 Draw pg. 180 image Chapter 5 Section 2 Read pgs. 187 – 190 Draw pg. 188 image Chapter 5 Section 3 Read pgs. 192 – 195 Outline Chapter 5 Section 4 Read pgs. 196 – 203 Outline
Chapter 4 Section 2 – Tides What Causes Tides Gravity and Tides – Tides are caused by the interaction of Earth, the moon, and the sun. The Daily Tide Cycle- There are two high tides and two low tides every day. The Monthly Tide Cycle – Changes in the positions of Earth, the moon, and the sun affect the heights of the tides during a month (spring/neap). Tide Tables – The times and heights of tides can be predicted. Energy From Tides The movement of water between high and low tide is a source of potential energy. pg