MAJOR GOALS OF FEMINIST MOVEMENT: “Throughout history, women have struggled to gain equality, respect, and the same rights as men. This has been difficult because of patriarchy, an ideology in which men are superior to women and have the right to rule women.” Definition of Feminism: Feminism is a movement that includes women and men who wish to see a world where discrimination based on gender and the idea that men are superior to women is abolished. -Tess Lantos
FEMINIST THEORY ARGUES Women are oppressed by patriarchy economically, politically, socially, and psychologically. Women are marginalized, ridiculed, disempowered, abused, exploited, disrespected, and objectified by the patriarchal society. All western civilization (including American) is deeply rooted in patriarchy. Gender issues play a part in every aspect of the human experience.
MISCONCEPTIONS OF FEMINISM All feminists hate men They want to eradicate all men from the planet All feminists are lesbian Feminists don't ever shave It's basically impossible to be feminine and a feminist at the same time Feminists hate marriage If you hold a door open for a feminist she'll kill you If you offer to pay for dinner a feminist will kill you Only women can be feminists Feminism only cares about women
EXAMPLES OF CASUAL SEXISM Cat calling - Women are constantly harassed in the streets by man in passing car, or builders on the side of the rode. Sexist jokes- Derogatory words- One of the things I hate more than anything is the casual use of terms that are actually extremely offensive to women. Slag, slut, whore, slapper, bitch, tart – I hear these things in conversation all the time and, often, they aren’t even meant offensively. But I think perhaps that’s even scarier than if they were.
Double standards- I know several beautiful, intelligent women who have had one-night stands. Some of them have had several. What do I think about this? Do I think that they’re sluts (there’s that word again) because of it? Of course I don’t. I think they’re adults who engaged in an activity that had mutual benefit for both. However, would everyone agree with me? I think the answer is no. I think a significant amount of people would go for the former option – that they’re sluts, or, at best, a bit ‘loose’. But, when a man does it? Doesn’t matter how many women he sleeps with the more the better. Because he’s a legend, right? Nightlife- I love going out with my friends at night and have fun, what I hate is when a guy thinks it’s fine to go up to me and grab me or touch me in places I don’t really want him to. ”Too pretty to be smart” ”Just flirt with him”- Instead of be given things because you deserve them, buy them, or ask for them just like everyone else people think you just need to flash a smile, cleavage, or giggle a little to get what you want. It's not fair that people assume it's that simple or fair to get what you want that way.
CONCLUSION Unfortunately, there are many male and females who do not even notice when they are being sexist. Society has successfully put into many peoples mind and depicted that females are the “weaker” and the “less competent” sex. Many boys and girls do not understand, or prefer not to understand, when you are trying to explain to them how their comment or action is wrong. Some are just too stubborn and ignorant to comprehend or care. Yet there a few who are understanding and those are the ones who matter. That is why I always share my ideas and points of view with people, to create awareness and perhaps to change their way of thinking. Once they understand, they will also being creating awareness to other people.