SENSOR TECHNOLOGY Opportunity Field Deployable PiezoElectric Gravimeter (PEG): A Light Weight Cost-Effective Solution for Structural Measurements Benefits: The invention developed is a piezoelectric stimulus-response quantification based gravimeter (PEG). This innovation takes a completely innovative approach towards utilization of the piezoelectric element: quantifying the gravitational effects on them. In this way, the piezoelectric element can 1)generate an electric charge in response to mechanical deformation, and 2)be mechanically deformed by applying electric charges, known as the converse- piezoelectric effect. The piezoelectric elements can be used to precisely inject energy for exciting vibratory frequencies within the element and housing, enabling the element to be used for quantifying subsequently produced electrical output. The gravimeter is capable of measuring numerous other types physical quantities such as thermal, magnetic, electrical, electromotive, electromagnetic, and electro-static fields; and provide structural information. Cost-Efficient Design: Small, durable, portable, light weight unit; simple and economical to construct Innovative Utility: Designed to use shear mode piezoelectric elements; data analyses and correlation software use innovative algorithms capable of highlighting/detecting minuscule differences within large data sets Data Sensitivity: Increased precision and accuracy and a highly reproducible response across a full frequency spectrum Monitoring Efficiency: Extremely sensitive detection capabilities Simple Design: No competence level or specialized training required to operate Novel approach: Fundamental change in state-of the art sensor technology capability used for monitoring structural stress; reversed role for piezoelectric elements; endless possible novel and improved applications and utilities National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Conventional gravimeters typically measure the amount of the opposing forces required to suspend an object or by monitoring an objects freefall rate. This innovative technology uses piezoelectric instrumentation in a completely new way, reversing their role. The piezoelectric transducers are provided with excitation energy, causing a highly reproducible response across a full frequency spectrum. This is known as the piezoelectric stimulus-response effect. This allows the piezoelectric transducer to take static measurements opposed to the conventional utilization of piezoelectric devices that require a dynamically changing quantity. This gravimeter is capable of measuring numerous types of physical quantities such as thermal, magnetic, and static forces. When the pull of gravity is introduced, the original element characteristics are immediately changed along with the fluctuations in gravity. These types of transducers are specifically designed to maximize the gravitational effects of the elements vibratory characteristics. The resultant characteristics are automatically quantified and temperature compensated through vector analyses and data reduction algorithms into gravitational units. This stimulus-response process is highly repeatable, which produces a near exact response or measurement from each collected reading—completely revolutionizing the precision and accuracy. The Technology Applications include: Automotive industry, industrial structures, aviation industry, petroleum industry, chemical industry, satellites, supercolliders, crustal motion monitors, seismology monitors, geophysical examination, surveying equipment, petroleum prospecting, mineral prospecting, security monitoring, motion detectors, altitude detectors, under ground infrastructure detection and tide prediction. Applications There are broad applications for the utility of this innovative structural sensor technology. There are no significant competence level or specialized training required to operate; operators can range from technicians mapping gravitational readings out in the field, to scientists using it in the laboratory. In addition to structural sensing, it could be used by prospectors and geologist to locate mineral or shell deposits, as well as construction workers to locate deep underground piping. Applications also include field detections like: gravity fields, electric fields, magnetic fields, and electro-static fields. Publications PiezoElectric Gravimeter Provisional Application for Patent (Serial # 61/982,474), submitted 5/15/2014. SSC Case Number: SSC-00427