Watch/Warnings in CAP NWS Partners Meeting Bob Bunge OCIO 1/21/10
Review: Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Non proprietary digital message format, based on XML, that provides for Interoperability in all-hazard warning Compatible with current geocoding schema (e.g., NWR Specific Area Message Encoding and Emergency Alert System) Partnership for Public Warning Warning systems in the United States today are “a patchwork of technologies and processes.” Need to distribute warnings consistently over all available channels.
CAP Drivers Public Safety Commercial Weather Sector Interoperability enables the American people to receive alert and warning information through as many means as possible FEMA Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) - Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) Commercial Weather Sector Low cost of entry Can make many products from same easy to parse message Minimal issues when NWS makes changes NWS efficiency and agility Greater focus on content of message and less on mechanics Minimal impact on users when NWS changes necessary Enables/facilitates decision support and related technologies
Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) In 2006, Public Alert and Warning System Executive Order 13407 required creation of a more “effective, reliable, integrated, flexible, and comprehensive system that enables the American people to receive alert and warning information through as many means as possible.” IPAWS Projects Focus on Interoperability EAS Modernization and Expansion Project Digital Emergency Alert System (DEAS) Standards and Protocols Project (CAP) Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) Geo-Targeted Alerting System (GTAS) NOAA Weather Radio Improvement Program (WRIP) Inventory and Evaluation (I&E) Radio Broadcast Data System (RBDS)
Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) National capability to deliver geographically targeted Presidential and imminent threat alerts (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, etc) and child abduction emergencies through mobile devices (cell phones) Origins in Warning, Alert, and Response Network (WARN) Act of 2006 DHS/FEMA and stakeholder involvement (wireless carriers, equipment manufacturers, Government agencies, broadcast associations, emergency management, safety organizations, and other experts) Wireless carrier participation voluntary, but all majors participating Available to public in 2012 and
FEMA CMAS Architecture NWS required to post weather alerts in CAP format to a FEMA administered Alert Aggregator Alert Originators
CMAS Capabilities Cell tower broadcast (point to multi-point) Geographic Targeting of Alerts to county level Text limited to 90 characters (first generation) Streaming Audio (future) Streaming Video (future) Downloadable Multimedia (future) Public opt-out rather than opt-in (but vendor may offer opt-in for additional alerts/capabilities)
NWS CAP Update Continued progress on CAP 1.x web based feeds Plans for 2010 Migrate to CAP 1.2 CMAS and IPAWS compatibility In preparation to move “pull” feeds to official: March 15 target date Load balanced, 99.9% availability CAP 1.0 feeds at to be redirected Experimental Push over XMPP and to DMIS Early discussions and very limited tests Testing in 3rd or 4th quarter
Engaging the Alerting Industry National Information Exchange Model ( National Training Event (Baltimore, Sept 2009) International Association of Emergency Managers ( Conference,(Orlando, Nov. 2009) Technologies for Critical Incident Preparedness ( Conference (Philadelphia, Feb. 2010) Discussions on the use of CAP across EM enterprise Interoperability Demonstrations facilitated by OASIS 6-14 Vendors, software and hardware Toxic cloud release HazMat Warning then Tornado Warning Demonstrated NWS CAP 1.1 compliance
OASIS Activities Regular participation in EM Technical Committee meetings Participation in sub committee meetings regarding review of FEMA IPAWS CAP Profile Participation in sub committee meetings reviewing public comments on IPAWS CAP Profile Participation in committee meetings regarding CAP 1.2 standard Participation in sub-committee meetings for CAP adoption outreach and interop demos
Bob Bunge NWS/OCIO Internet Dissemination Officer 301-713-1381 x140
IPAWS Vision Architecture Message Disseminators Public Emergency Managers IPAWS compliant CAP Alert Origination Tools IP access networks Emergency Alert System AM FM Satellite Radio; Digital Analog Cable Satellite TV Federal Digital EAS PBS IPAWS Cellular Phones State Commercial Mobile Alert System Cellular Carriers Networks Web Browsers, widgets, web sites Internet Services Local NOAA message aggregation, authentication, adaption State / Local Unique Alerting Systems (e.g. ETN, Siren, Signage systems) IP distribution networks