Access to Monitweb and use of ESF data Paola Stocco ISFOL - Sistemi e servizi formativi Rome, May 2012
Dictionary of acronyms IS Information System ISFOL Institute for the Development of Vocational Training for Workers MA Managing Authorities MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MEUR Ministry of Education, University and Research MLHSP Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies (R/N)OPs Regional/National Operational Programmes NSF National Strategic Framework
ISFOL and his main fields of research ISFOL, institute of research controlled by Ministry of Labour, promotes activities of study in: Vocational training policies Market Labour policies Social Cohesion policies Knowledge Society policies
EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND in Italy: 21 ESF ROPs and 3 ESF NOPs Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective: 16 ROPs concern Regions and Autonomous Provinces: Abruzzi, Aosta Valley, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Latium, Liguria, Lombardy, Marches, Molise, Piedmont, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto 1 NOP held by the MLHS: Azioni di sistema Convergence Objective: 5 ROPs concern Regions: Apulia, Calabria, Campania, Sicily, and, in addition, Basilicata (phasing out region) 2 NOPs: Governance e Azioni di sistema NOP, held by the MLHSP Competenze per lo sviluppo NOP, held by the MEUR
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi ISFOL and the links with other policy makers (1/2) ISFOL supports the activity of the Ministry of Labour, which is the ESF leading authority in Italy The Ministry of Economy and Finance is the Authority responsible of the IT Central Information System (MonitWeb) for the European Structural Funds ISFOL cooperates with the Managing Authorities of ESF OPs and the MEF in order to collect the information for the ESF monitoring and evaluation
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi ISFOL and the links with other policy makers (2/2) MLHSP - DG PAPL ESF Ops (ROPs + NOPs) National Evaluation System This chart shows the flow of data releted to ESF projects and the role of ISFOL ISFOL MEF-IGRUE: National Monitoring System Regional coordination system EC Ad hoc data transfer (*) Systematic data transfer Communication Net
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi The coordinating role of ISFOL All Italian OPs have their own Information System for collecting data ISFOL supports the local/regional level to select the correct information that have to be sent to the Central Monitoring System (MonitWeb) National Monitoring Working Group: periodically Isfol meets the Managing Autorities of ESF OPs in order to discuss common issues and to improve the implementation of data into MonitWeb
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi Final-user role of ISFOL As Technical Assistance Agency of the Ministry of Labour, ISFOL has access to Monitweb As read-only user, we can surf in the official area where we can query/extract the data validated by ESF OPs We can do that by using a Business Objects Infoview (Datamart) The Datamarts tools allow us to organize the information in queries that we save in our own web site
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi Querying Monitweb The variables set of Monitweb is established in the Data Exchange Protocol, with the agreement of all the actors involved with ESF We have stored several queries for all the OPs co-financed by the ESF using the variables codes in the Data Exchange Protocol In this way we can use them everytime a data update occurs in MonitWeb, just renewing them
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi ESF data for local usage micro data level Data are related both with projects and participants (about projects at the end of 2011) aggregate data level we can save the results of the queries in local area so we can treat them to figure out the progress of the OPs co- financed by the ESF at national level
Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi Statistical treatment of data We generally use STATA software in order to: - merge all the files obtained from the queries - create a structured database - check the reliability and the consistency of the data - produce statistical analysis
Monitoring data: a tool for evaluation needs Ad-hoc Surveys Context indicators and target Outputs indicators Outcomes indicators Effectiveness indicators Qualitative analysis E V A L U A T I O N Monitoring data National/international literature and document; case studies; Quantitative analysis Isfol – Sistemi e Servizi formativi
Monitoring data and evaluation issues National Placement Working Group National Monitoring Working Group 1. Training projects and beneficiaries database: application form for pre-enrolment 2. Harmonizing regionals surveys: the questionnaire 3. Models for the impact evaluation (net effects) 4. Robustness of the surveys (from a statistical point of view) 5 …. Isfol coordinates two National Working Group strongly linked between them: we could obtain the population frame from Monitweb in ordert to perform sampling surveys for evaluation aims