Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov 2011 Operation PALATE II Conditions of Service People Policy and Employment Conditions Branch
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov 2011 References PACMAN Version 2 Chapter 17 DSC message Z APR 11 HQJOC message 4206/SO2 PERSOPS DTG Z SEP 08 – Leave outside the AO and DA
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov 2011 Nature of Service Declaration The Minister for Defence, in consultation with the Prime Minister, declares the Nature of Service (NOS) for operations. The relevant Conditions of Service (COS) package for a deployment is then authorised by the Minister for Defence Science and Personnel. Op PALATE II has been declared Warlike service WEF 27 Jun 05. DSC reviewed the COS on 18 Apr 11
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Warlike Service - Definition The application of force is authorised to pursue specific military objectives and there is an expectation of casualties. Types: –Declared war; –Conventional combat operations against an armed adversary; and –Peace enforcement IAW Chap VII of UN Charter.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Reviews NOS Branch reviews the NOS when there is a change: –in circumstance; –the task or role of deployed force; –or at a minimum of every 12 months. Threat assessments conducted by DIO are reviewed every 12 months or when circumstances change. Directorate of Service Conditions reviews COS in line with the above.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov 2011 ELIGIBILITY To be eligible for the COS package, members must be: –assigned for duty with Operation PALATE II, and –be within the Op PALATE II specified area Service outside the specified area (Afghanistan) attracts peacetime cos; ie TA if meals are not provided
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov OPERATION PALATE II ADF contribution to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) The specified area comprises Afghanistan
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Housing and Removals Housing and removal benefits depend on; – the expected length of your deployment – the location of your dependants during your deployment – your categorisation – posting location on RTA – time remaining in losing posting location. For deployments of less than six months; –There are no removal benefits. –housing benefits; Remain the same MWD and MWD(U) Remain the same in the posting location for MWOD with the member not required to make a contribution
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Housing and Removals For deployment of more than 6 months a range of assistance is provided to help members manage their absence. Members living in and Members living out; –may choose to remain in their accommodation or access removal and storage entitlements. –should engage early with the decision maker to ensure they are fully aware of the benefits and options available to them upon deployment.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Housing and Removals MWD –dependants may remain in posting location; or –dependants may be moved to a personal location for family support where there is a compelling need. There are several housing and removal options if approved to relocate your dependants for family support. The level of benefit available to the member depends on; the compelling need, members posting location on return; and length of time in posting location on return. –Members should engage early with the decision maker to ensure they are fully aware of the benefits available in their circumstances.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Housing and Removals For full list of criteria refer to –PACMAN Ch 17; and –Consult the COS signal, and –Consult with Toll Transitions Check Insurance! It remains the members responsibility to ensure continued insurance coverage for home and content during any period of absence.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Pre-deployment Leave and Travel Deployments of less than six months do not normally attract a pre-embarkation Leave entitlement. –Some provision exist for special cases; apply via relevant service DGPERS area. Deployments of six months or more : –approval depends on operational requirements; –up to 7 days (inclusive of weekends and public holidays); –Free Travel: –If entitled – free travel within Australia may be granted to home location –If BRL free travel entitlement exists then this is to be used –Alt, family members may be conveyed at public expense to members home location. Costs not to exceed that which would have been expended for the member to travel.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Before Deploying Members should: Check with Centrelink regarding: –Family Tax Benefits: Note - A New tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 was amended effective 1 July 2007 to provide portability of Family Tax Benefit Part B beyond 13 weeks while overseas on deployment. –any other benefits that you may be eligible for depending on your family composition and income Check with Child Support Agency regarding child support payments
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Allowances International Campaign Allowance (ICA) $200 pd inside Afghanistan: –payable inside the specified area –payable for ADF Rec leave or WSL accrued in the specified area –subject to change at any time – up or down (based on changes to military and environmental conditions) –NOT payable at any other time; ie. UN leave/CTO outside Afghanistan, duty outside the specified area (Kuwait), escorting AME, RTA injured, conference/BOI etc Recognition of operational and environmental hazards Based on threat assessment ICA is paid for all Recreational and WSL accrued inside the specified area; at highest rate earned.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Allowances Other allowances where applicable: –Separation Allowance –Special Forces Disability Allowance –Flying Allowance –Hard lying Allowance Field Allowance applications are to be submitted to CJOPs for approval IAW the requirements of PACMAN, providing the stipulated threshold criterion of 'living in the field' has been met.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Allowances District Allowance –MWD members DO NOT have this allowance ceased if the family remain at posting location. –MWOD members DO have this allowance ceased: after 30 days if returning to remote location after deployment, or on date of deployment if posted out of remote location and not returning after deployment.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Leave War Service Leave - 18 days pa accrued on a daily basis. No qualifying period and only accrued inside specified area. ARL – combination of Field, Seagoing or Flying granted IAW PACMAN if entitled. ─ Be aware prior Field Leave accrued for current LY will count for the max Field Leave that can be credited – 10 days pa. ERL is not granted for warlike deployments –CDF has declared no leave can be taken inside a warlike AO. IAW with HQJOC direction members leaving the AO must take ADF leave.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov 2011 Relief Out of Country Travel Fares Assistance (ROCTFA): The purpose of relief out-of-country travel fare assistance is to help the member have time away from the difficulties of a deployment. ROCTFA is; –subject to operational constraints and provided the member’s leave plan includes being outside of the specified area for at least seven (7) consecutive days –to be taken as near as possible to midway point of deployment –travel on cheapest available airline offering a reasonable standard of safety and security –travel is intended to assist personnel to have time away from the arduous conditions of the deployment.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov ROCTFA ROCTFA entitlement is based on length of deployment as follows:- –Less than 6 months = NIL entitlement NB: HQJOC may approve 1 ROCTFA in exceptional circumstances see PACMAN a –6 months but less than 9 months = 1 ROCTFA –9 months but less than 12 months = 2 ROCTFA –12 months but less than 15 months = 3 ROCTFA
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov ROCTFA ROCTFA designated destination for Op PALATE II: –to the previous posting loc, or –the location to which the family has been moved at public expense for the period of deployment, or –to the nominated family members normal residential loc within Australia, or –to the defence recognised dependant normal residential loc within Australia. there is no offset for the RTA provision.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov ROCTFA For deployment for 12 months or more: –pers may apply as an offset to combine the value of two trips to Australia that they are entitled to, to assist the member and their dependants to reunite in Australia. –Alternatively the member, either MWD or MWOD, may use the value of the two trips to travel to another country. For members who do not wish to RTA or who are entitled but do not avail themselves of the previous option to combine two trips, the ROCTFA destination is Rome. Members may offset the cost of return travel to Rome against the cost of travel to an alt destination. The alt destination must be suitable as a ROCTFA destination as determined by the CO. Travel is by economy class on the cheapest available airline that offers a reasonable standard of safety and security. NB: TA is not payable while on ROCTFA.
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Taxation Members who deploy on warlike service are not required to pay tax on salary and allowances associated with their deployment. Section 23AD ITAA: all ADF salary and allowance earned inside the specified area are exempt from taxation Taxation exemption continues on RTA for all leave accrued while deployed. ITAA = the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Other Information Compensation: –covered under the provisions of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 for death, injury or illness. –covered 24 hr a day –Hotline No – - It is essential to keep records and report all incidents. Ensure all paperwork is completed. Telephone calls & mail service: –NOT a COS, however, members MAY BE provided the opportunity to telephone Australia: The frequency and duration of these calls will be set by HQJOC
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Conditions of Service during deployment Medals –AASM -1 day Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme –qualifying period remains unaffected by warlike service –possibility of up to an additional 5 years subsidy –only periods Within Specified Area count as warlike service for the purpose of this scheme
Service Conditions for Op PALATE II Correct as at 28 Nov Where can I find the Conditions of Service for Operation PALATE II? CoS messages for all operations are published on the DEFWEB and Internet at: – – drill down: –Pay and Conditions – Home Page –Overseas Operations
Directorate of Service Conditions & Housing Policy Correct as at 28 Nov 2011 Any Questions?