Aims: To understand why people want to work. What causes unemployment.
Why do people work? Meet your needs. Jobs are rewarded with pay. The more responsible the job the greater the reward. People enjoy working. Socially meet new people. Satisfaction in your work. Purpose of life.
What is Unemployed? You must have no job of any kind. You must sign on for work at the job centre. You must be receiving benefit. Some people do not work but do not register as unemployed e.g. parents, homeless.
Industries Three Categories; 1.Primary – extracting natural resources 2.Secondary – manufacturing industries 3.Tertiary - services Farming Fishing Mining Oil Exploration Car manufacturing Clothes Builders Finance Teachers Tourism Local Government
Causes of Unemployment Structural When the whole structure or type of industry changes. For examples Scotland used to be mostly heavy manufacturing and now it is mainly based on services.
Causes of Unemployment Seasonal Some jobs only exist or are more common in certain ‘seasons’. For example tourism in the summer and shop work at Christmas.
Causes of Unemployment Cyclical Every economy goes through good and bad periods. During a recession there will be higher unemployment.
Causes of Unemployment Technological When machines, robots or computers replace certain jobs. For example Banking Newspapers Offices
Causes of Unemployment in Scotland! Traditionally primary and secondary industries. Last 40 years declined. Mining – hundreds of mines in peak, 2001 only one remained. Expensive to operate (wages and manufacture) – cheaper abroad e.g. far east. Structural unemployment = when economy is affected by the demise of an industry. Cyclical Unemployment = booms and slumps from year to year depending on the economy.
New Industries in Scotland Electronics, computers and light industries have boomed in 1990s. New technology has led to job cuts e.g. computers to file, robots to manufacture. Central call centres.
Unemployment Figures