Introduction To Air Force ROTC
Overview AFROTC Program GMC, Field Training, POC AS Classes Leadership Lab Benefits of AFROTC Scholarships Stipend Others Opportunities through AFROTC Extracurricular Activities
AFROTC Program Recruit, educate, commission officer candidates Located at over 140 Colleges/Universities Take AFROTC classes like other college classes No obligation in first 2 years (if not on scholarship) Instructors are all active duty
GMC General Military Course (GMC) First two years (traditionally) Classroom, Leadership Lab and PT If 3 years left in college, double up on classroom instruction classes To qualify Full time college student At least 3 years left to graduation Good moral character Above 2.0 (2.5 soon) college GPA Medically qualified
Field Training 4 weeks over summer at Maxwell AFB, AL and Camp Shelby, MS. Between sophomore and junior year Compete for selection in spring of sophomore year Required for entry to POC Must have all AS course requirements Selective Based on degree program, GPA, standardized test scores, AFOQT scores, Commander’s rating, PFA
POC Professional Officer Course (POC) Last two years Requires completion of Field Training Classroom, Leadership Lab and PT 2.5 GPA, no failed or repeat classes Pass PFA every semester Full time college student, good moral character, US citizen, medically qualified
Aerospace Studies Classes Classes taken fall and spring semesters AS 100 – Introduction to USAF (1 Hr) AS 200 – History of the USAF (1 Hr) AS 300 – Leadership & Management (3 Hr) AS 400 – Foreign Policy/Prep for Active Duty (3 Hr) As 700/800 Completed Status
Leadership Lab Cadet planned and executed AS 100 – Basic Military Skills, Fun, Motivation AS 200 – Preparation for Field Training AS 300 – Practice new leadership skills AS 400 – Manage Cadet Corps, prepare for active duty Physical Training (PT) Three times a week
Benefits - Scholarships All sophomore cadets competed in fall semester, all freshmen in spring 3 Boards 1 – Computer and electrical engineering, nursing and some foreign languages 2 – All technical degrees 3 – All other degree and non-recipients of first 2 boards Must have a 2.5 GPA, be full time student and in the AFROTC program Leadership/followership displayed in program is a key factor
Benefits - Stipend Freshmen (AS100) on scholarship - $300 a month Sophomore (AS200) on scholarship - $350 a month ALL junior (AS 300) cadets - $450 a month ALL senior (AS 400) cadets - $500 a month
Benefits - Other Job as an officer in the Air Force after college Leadership and management training Great path to pilot/navigator in military Space available travel on military aircraft one you are contracted Many opportunities for graduate degree Orientation flights/base visits
Other Opportunities Depends on funding each year Advanced Course in Engineering (ACE) Cyber warfare – limited to certain degrees Combat Rescue Officer/Special Tactics Officer (STO/CRO) Program Designed to orient interested cadets
Extracurricular Activities Drill Team Color Guard Arnold Air Society Silver Wings Paintball High and low ropes
Review AFROTC Program GMC, Field Training, POC Air and Space Studies Classes Leadership Lab Benefits of AFROTC Scholarships Stipend Others Opportunities through AFROTC Extracurricular Activities