AIR FORCE SERGEANTS ASSOCIATION LEGISLATIVE UPDATE June 2012 MSgt (Ret) Morgan Brown Director, Military & Government Relations
What we Do - 112th Congress Focus Areas FY 2013 Budget Your AFSA Your Thoughts? OVERVIEW
AIR FORCE SERGEANTS ASSOCIATION Key Proposals in FY 2013 Budget Proposal
Unchanged in FY 2013/14 Capped at.5% in FY 2015 Capped at 1% in FY 2016 Capped at 1.5% in FY 2017 PAY RAISES
BRAC-Like Commission To “Recommend changes in order to meet the personnel needs of the DoD in a cost- effective manner.” MILITARY PAY & BENEFITS
2 New Rounds FY 2013 & FY 2015 USAF Losses? Political Aspects FY 2013 NDAA BRAC
Notes: * Single rate is 50 percent of family rate ** Retired pay thresholds to be indexed to COLA increases *** Fees for FY 2018 and out years to be indexed to health cost inflation Note: Non-Formulary pharmaceuticals will have limited availability in retail pharmacies Notes: * Single rate is 50 percent of family rate ** Retired pay thresholds to be indexed to COLA increases *** Fees for FY 2018 and out years to be indexed to health cost inflation
Notes: * Single rate is 50 percent of family rate ** Retired pay thresholds to be indexed to COLA increases *** Fees for FY 2018 and out years to be indexed to health cost inflation Notes: * Single rate is 50 percent of family rate ** Fees for FY 2018 and out years to be indexed to health cost inflation Notes: * Retired pay thresholds to be indexed to COLA increases ** Fees for FY 2018 and out years to be indexed to health cost inflation
1.7 percent military pay raise Provides transition benefits for involuntarily separated members (active duty) 180 days of TRS and TRICARE dental coverage for members involuntarily separated from the SR Protects child custody agreements for military parents who are deployed Refinancing help for qualifying service members who can’t sell their homes in conjunction with a military-ordered relocation No new BRAC rounds; no similar commission looking at military pay No TRICARE Fee Increases* HOUSE VERSION H.R. 4310
1.7 percent military pay raise Requires a Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission 180 days of TRS and TRICARE dental coverage for members involuntarily separated from the SR Allows a PCS move for SR members who are separated due to force reductions, but who fill critical vacancies in another Selected Reserve unit more than 150 miles from their home Codifies space-available travel eligibility No new BRAC rounds No TRICARE Fee Increases* SENATE MARK S. 3254
Sequestration vs. Reconciliation Hold on key Decisions “Perfect Storm” Be Involved! QUICK HITS
Airman Memorial Museum Airman Memorial Foundation Scholarships Deadline: March 31 YOUR AFSA