VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless1 The Job Interview Questions That are Illegal to Ask Mary Ellen Doremus-WBL Coordinator
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless2 Pre-Test Are the following questions illegal to ask? True or False What is your name? Do you have physical or mental disabilities? Have you even been convicted of a felony? Pasquale, is that a Spanish name? Are you taking any prescription drugs?
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless3 What types of questions are Illegal to Ask? Federal and state law prohibits employers from asking questions that are not related to the job they are hiring for that include: Race, color, religion,ethnic background, birthplace, disability, marital/family status, sexual preferences or age
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless4 Options when asked an illegal question on an Interview Answer the question Not all employers are familiar with the laws Often asked in innocence Answer the “intent” of the question Example: If asked if you are a US citizen (illegal) respond that you are authorized to work in the US. Be brief
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless5 Options continued Try to change the topic and avoid the question Ignore question and redirect to a new topic area Point out that the question is illegal Be Tactful If interviewer becomes offended you will not get the job
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless6 Things to consider Refusing to answer a question might cost you the job Decide whether or not you really want to work in a place that asks inappropriate questions You may obtain more job offers if you volunteer information that an interviewer can’t ask you
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless7 Discrimination Most is not deliberate Consider the intent Court of law will determine discrimination and if a crime has been committed Consult with a labor attorney to file a claim if you believe you have been discriminated against when applying for a job or while on a job
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless8 Illegal vs. Legal When were you born? What country are you a citizen of? What language did you speak growing up? Have you been arrested? Are you over 18? Do you have a legal right to work in the US? This job requires that you speak Spanish, do you? Have you been convicted of a felony?
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless9 Post Test Can questions be asked about your race during an interview? Y/N If you are asked a question you feel uncomfortable with should you walk out of the interview? Y/N If you speak another language should you tell the interviewer? Y/N If an interviewer asks you an illegal question does that mean they committed a crime? Y/N
VTP 566 Rockland BOCES The Possibilities are Endless10 Action Assignment Break into groups of three Group will be given three scenarios Group will decide1) If Interviewer asked an illegal question, if so how it could be rephrased 2) If what Interviewee said was appropriate, if not, how they could have answered Share responses with the class