Improving Patient Bed Wait time in Healthcare DATE: 12 DECEMBER 2014 TEAM MEMBERS: PRIYANKA PRIYANKA. AHMAD ALMATROOD. TECH Improve/Control Phase
Review / Refresh From Analyze We analyzed and went through the data of samples we collected. We found that we have issues with two steps in the process and that causes waste time on an average of 218 minutes. Wait time to notification. Knowledge of the process. Our goal is to reduce the time to be 120 minutes.
Development of Standardized process
List of Solutions Main Solutions 1.Change BTS system after every year. 2.Eliminate unnecessary steps between the processes, and make direct connection from RN to environmental services. 3.Improve environment services time by providing better tools. 4.Educate CSA/PSA, RN about BTS system time by time Additional: Revise the discharge assessment sticker to include documentation of communication between RN and SCA Training about BTS system at the time of orientation of any new staff. Place an instruction card near to BTS system. Reformat RN’S beeper to the BTS to provide immediate notification of clean bed.
Impact / Effort Matrix High Impact Low EffortHigh
Potential Solutions Matrix Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C Alternative D CriterionValueChange BTSScore Remove CSA/PSA Score New tools for ES Score Training to staff Score Time to implement week month weeks weeks10100 Safety 10None10100 May be other parts effect 660None10100None10100 Amount of defect reduction likely 9 Depends on ability to RN use 763Significant872 Depends on use 763 Significant ensures 981 Implementation cost 5Very much00 Depends on other parts 315High210Significant420 Operating cost 5High00Dependability315Very much315High315 Impact on the other part of the business 4None416High00None416None 416 Total Objective: Reduce turnaround time (Healthcare) Sample solution/Criterion matrix (Total = Value*Score)
Selected Solution Training to staff about BTS system. For that we will follow below steps : Revise the discharge assessment sticker to include documentation of communication between RN and SCA. Educate CSA/PSA, RN about BTS system time by time. Place an instruction card near to BTS system. Reformat RN’S beeper to the BTS to provide immediate notification of clean bed.
Pilot Plan Purpose To apply the solution in the admission process, measure and control the results. Application We train to employees in the rebuilt step process. We elaborate a pilot planning Checklist based on time, deadlines, unanticipated problems, constraints. We measure the results. We schedule some meetings to analyze the results. Instructions Follow the guidelines. Train the employees. Analyze results. Capture the good and bad results.
Pilot Plan TaskStep Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Person responsible Effort (Person-hour) Artifacts 1Training to one part of staff Director 5 persons-1 hour Staff will know proper use of BTS 2 Generate orientation program for 2 new persons in staff Director 2 persons-1 hour Staff will know Proper flow of process
Diffusion Plan Ways to promote and leverage successes Meeting with all the stakeholders and employees to communicate the success. Reward to the most important employee contribution. Design and implement the new logo, which represents the implementation. Future Plans Analyze the rest of the process. Improve the rest of the steps in the process. Create a repository of knowledge. It would be a knowledge database based on these experiences.
Control Plan Process Step What's Controlled? Input or Output? Spec. Limits / Requirements Measurement Method Control Method Sample Size Frequency Where Recorded Review Frequency / Corrective Action Entered information into BTS.TimeInput < 5 minuteManualRun chart100%Every four months Emergency department At the beginning of every year Having the bed ready for new patient. TimeOutput < 120 minutesManualRun chart100%Every four months Emergency department At the beginning of every year
Gantt chart
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